Chapter 7

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"Sasuke, I'm at Point B."

"Sakura, I'm at Point C."

The h/c haired male had a headset on and was hiding behind a tree, peeking his head, glancing around for the missing animal.

"M/n, I'm at Point D." Through the headset they could hear giggling. "Point D." They heard snorting.

"Naruto, I'm at Point A, believe it."

"You're slow, Naruto. Also, M/n, be mature about this. Okay, squad 7, hm?"

Suddenly, M/n saw something zip past him very fast.

"The target has moved! Follow it!" Kakashi yelled from the headset.

M/n quickly ran after the target. He hid behind another tree, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura following right behind him and hiding behind other trees.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked from the headset.

"Five meters. I'm ready just give the signal." Naruto said, keeping a close eye on the target.

"I'm ready, too." Sasuke started.

"So am I." Sakura added.

"Me too, let's speed this up before it gets away."

"Okay.... Now!" Kakashi exclaimed.

All the four Genin jumped out from the trees and ran towards the target. A brown cat.

Naruto snatched the cat from the ground and held it, ignoring the fact that it was scratching and growling at him.

"I got him! I got him!" Naruto yelled.

"Can you verify ribbon, right ear?"

"See for yourself." M/n muttered, feeling annoyed at the "mission" he was doing.

"Affirmative, we got a positive ID." Sasuke declared into the headset.

"Right, lost pet Tora captured. Mission Accomplished."

"Yay! We did it, good job, guys!" M/n cheered sarcastically, getting pom poms out of nowhere.

"Can't we get a better mission than this? I hate cats!" Naruto yelled into his microphone.

This caused feedback to be heard from the headset, hurting everyone's ears who were wearing the headsets.

"I can hear colors now." M/n swayed to the side and fell into Sasuke's arms.

Time Skip

Squad 7 watched as the cat, Tora, was being hugged by its owner, Madam Shijimi. Hugged to death, might they add.

M/n was rubbing his ears while he was still a bit in dazed. "The color green sounds like birds." The boy muttered.

"Oh, my poor little Tora. Mommy was so worried about her naughty little fuzzykins, yes!"

Naruto laughed at the cat's suffering. "Stupid cat. That kitty deserves to be squashed!"

"No wonder he ran away."

"Now, for Squad 7's next mission we have several available tasks. Huh? Among them, babysitting the chief counselor's 3 year-old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes-" The Hokage listed out the things before he was cut off by two voices.

"No! I want to go on a real mission!" Naruto and M/n yelled, creating an 'X' with their arms.

"Something challenging and exciting! Not this little kids stuff!" Naruto complained.

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