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M/n walked in class while humming as he made his way towards his seat

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M/n walked in class while humming as he made his way towards his seat. There he saw his blonde haired best friend already sitting.

"Hey, Naruto." M/n greeted him as he took a seat next to Naruto.

"Hey, M/n!"

Iruka suddenly walked in with a paper in hand and stopped in front of the students.

"We will now start the final exam. When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on.. the Clone Jutsu."

Naruto immediately gripped his head and grunted. "That's my worst technique! Great! I'm never gonna pass." Naruto whispered under his breath.

"Don't worry, Naruto. I'm sure you'll pull this off." M/n hyped Naruto, which worked a bit.

"Sasuke Uchiha."

The Uchiha was called up to the testing room which gave Naruto some nerves.

While Naruto was suffering, M/n was munching on his mochi that he got out of nowhere.

"Want some? It'll help with nerves." M/n offered a mochi towards Naruto.

"Thanks, Y/n! You're a life saver!" Naruto snatched it and took a bite out of it. Flowers and sparkles appeared around him. "This is so good! How come I never tasted this in my whole life?!"

"I know right?! The power of mochi saves the day!"
M/n cheered as he flared his hand up and down.

The classmates could only watch the two best friends share one brain cell.

The moment didn't last long for M/n was called up for the test.

"Damn, welp wish me luck, Naruto!"

They both high-fived each other.

M/n walked into the testing room which he saw was Iruka and a light blue haired guy sitting next to the table. He could see the blue headbands.

'Damn, they're so shiny I could see my reflection.' M/n though as he narrowed his eyes acting like he was seeing the sun.

"Alright, make three clones and you'll pass." Iruka stated as he grabbed his clipboard.

"Alrighty!" M/n put his hands in a sign position and chanted the Jutsu. Next to him appeared three healthy and good looking clones.

"Damn, I look segc." M/n claimed as he analyzed his clones while biting his lip.

Iruka sighed in disappointment but still smiled at him for passing.

"Congratulations! You passed!"

The three clones poofed away. The h/c haired male chirply walked towards Iruka who handed him a headband.

"Thanks! Bye!" M/n run out the room and went looking for Naruto.

"Now, where he at?" He went to his classroom but he didn't see his blonde friend. His second guess was outside on the swing but he wasn't there.

"He must be taking the test.... Welp time to go shopping!"

M/n whistled as he made his way towards the store. He wanted to buy mochi from the store and dango from a stall as a reward for himself.

He went to the sweet aisle and saw the frozen mochi in the refrigerated side. He was about to grab a box for himself when a hand collided with his.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry! Y-You can take it! I'll get another one!" A small high pitched voice stuttered as they blushed in embarrassment.

"Hm? Hinata?"

The person looked at M/n,which caused their eyes widened.

"M/n-kun?! W-What are you d-doing here?" Hinata asked as she saw the male grab four boxes of frozen mochi.

"I'm here to treat myself." M/n lowered his eyes on Hinata's neck to see her headband. "Oh! You passed too! Congratulations! We should celebrate together!"

Locking hands with Hinata, M/n rushed towards the counter to pay for the mochi and ran outside with a burning hot Hinata.

"We should get food first! Whatcha think- Hinata? Why are you red? Are you sick?" M/n touched Hinata's forehead but it made it worse as she fainted.

"Ah-! Hinata?!" He gently shook her shoulder but she wouldn't wake up. Guess he had to pick her up. Actually now that he thought about it, he didn't know where she lived.

"Welp." M/n shrugged as he put Hinata on his back. He slung her arms over his shoulders and gripped her thighs for safety.

He jumped from roof to roof until he landed on the Hokage faces.

'Did I kidnapped, Hinata?' M/n thought as he gently lay down the purple haired girl on the grass. "Well, it's not exactly kidnapping if she's my friend.."

He scratched his head and sat down next to her. 'I'll just stay here until she wakes up.'

A few minutes go by, Hinata's eyes shifted a bit which caught M/n's attention.

Her eyes opened slowly and saw the night sky. The stars decorated the dark sky, beautifully and serene.

She blinked once, before she blinked twice.

"Hey, Hinata." A soft voice called out. She turned towards the voice. There she saw M/n looking at her with a smile.

"Huh? W-What happened?" She slowly sat up.

"You fainted after we walked out of the shop. Are you okay now?" M/n asked as he opened a box of mochi and took a bite out of it.

"Yeah.. I'm alright." She looked towards the ground but a pink chewy ball appeared on her eye view.

She looked at it and at M/n, who was offering her a strawberry mochi.

"Here, the power of mochi is going to make you feel better!" M/n grinned as he handed the girl the chewy sweet and looked back at the starry night.

Hinata could feel her cheeks burn up but she took a bite out of the mochi. The flavor melted into her tongue, she couldn't help but let out a content hum.

She looked at the h/c haired male, she had a small crush on him for a while now. She liked Naruto but she also liked M/n. Could it be even possible to even like two people at the same time?

She like the two male's determined energies, their smiles, their jokes, their friendship. She's obsessed with their smiles, even with M/n's small noticeable dimples he had.

Oh, how she loves his dimples matching with his smile.

And Naruto's whiskers made his smile more adorning.

Her eyes glanced back onto the sky.

They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying time with each other.


I changed Y/n to M/n since it's for female readers?? So since M/n is for males name well I changed it so it makes more sense.

I'll try to keep updating more. Byebyee <33

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