"Your smile is also very pretty.." Katsuki mumbles finally daring to look at Izuku who had teary eyes. "Hey Hey why are you crying?" Katsuki asks going to hug him.
"I just don't know what to do." He sobs clinging on Katsuki's shirt. Katsuki looks at him kissing the tip of his nose. "I really don't and I don't want you to get bored of me.." He sobs and Katsuki did the only thing that passed through his mind and kissed him. It shocked Izuku who froze at first slowly melting in the fuzzy feeling that was created.

"I could never get bored of you.. Never." Katsuki whispers cupping his cheek.
Izuku was still frozen in place looking at the blond.

"You kissed me.." He says under his breath touching his lips and Katsuki panics realizing what he did.
"I'm sorry I panicked, I don't ever want you to think I'll get bored of your dumbass. I didn't know what to do!" Katsuki explains in a panic knowing he should have asked. He didn't want to ruin things so early.

Izuku couldn't help but smile looking up at Katsuki. "I liked it, did you like it?" Izuku asks with a small blush.
"Of course I fucking did." Katsuki grumbles flustered.

The two sat awkwardly in silence until they both bursted into laughters.
"Are we awkward for nothing?" Izuku asks with an embarrassed smile and Katsuki scoffs.
"I feel like we're both trying too fucking hard for this." Katsuki says in a long sigh. 

Izuku nods in agreement laying his head on Katsuki's shoulder and taking another bite of his food.
"At what time do you have to go back?" Katsuki asks Izuku who looked at his watch.
"Before 10PM" He answers with a small smile.
"Want me to walk you home?" Katsuki asks and Izuku shakes his head no. "Correction, I'm walking you home wether you like it or not." Katsuki scoffs.

"But then you have to go back alone." Izuku says sadly.
"I can call the hag to pick me up at your place, maybe you could see her at the same time?" He suggests and Izuku nods awkwardly.
"I guess I'll have to face her sooner or later.." Izuku mumbles.
Katsuki chuckles wrapping his arm around Izuku. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine."

They ate their food in a comfortable silence, none of them feeling the need to fill it. Izuku was the first to finish his food with delight, waiting for Katsuki who finished not long after.

"You never told me where you were when you disappeared, I mean Aizawa found you but.. what happened exactly?" Katsuki asks, it's been bugging him for a while now, he wanted to at least try asking.

"Well, at first I stayed in the park, after I got some stuff like food and water. After you know that warehouse that people say is haunted?" Izuku asks and Katsuki nods with a small frown. "I stayed there for the two weeks, that's when Aizawa found me, they were raiding the place since there was villains hiding a bomb there and were planning on trying to take All Might, Endeavour and other pros down. He convinced me by talking about Mic and food." Izuku giggles slightly embarrassed.
"You were living with an actual functioning bomb?!" He whisper shouts.
"Yeah, their equipment was hidden in a container, it was a creepy one so it was the only place in the warehouse I didn't explore." He explains looking away from his completely discouraged boyfriend.

Katsuki didn't even know how to react.
"Dork, you're a fucking dork." Katsuki grumbles hugging him.

He still thought it was his fault that Izuku left, no matter how much Izuku tried to tell him otherwise, he believed it with all his might.

"It's not your fault.." Izuku says with a small smile. "You seem to think of that every time we talk about my disappearance.." Izuku mumbles cupping his lovers cheeks.
"BUT IT'S A LIE! If I were to be nice, If I would have followed you, if I would have taken your hand instead of pushing you away.. Maybe.. Everything would be better.." Katsuki yells startling the other at first but he calmed down.
"Katsuki. Stop it. You weren't completely innocent I won't lie. But you can't take all the blame, you, unlike everyone else took the time to apologize. You realize what you did wrong, you did a long time ago. You did so so much Kacchan.. You have no clue how happy I am to be with you, you get that right? And you know what? Maybe I wouldn't be in UA if things didn't go the way it did. So I'm not mad at you Katsuki, I never was, I was hurt yes.. But I never thought that you were unforgivable.. Not one second." Izuku says tears falling and hugging Katsuki tightly. "I love you too much to hate you.. So stop.. Stop thinking that it's your fault.. please.." Izuku cries and Katsuki wasn't able to move for a while processing his words and when Izuku was about to back away he pulled him tight against him.
"I love you too you idiot.. I just wish that things were different.." Katsuki mumbles and Izuku smiles softly.

They stayed in silence until Izuku finally backed away and he looked at the sky with a small smile.

"I don't... My Mom said everything happened for a reason.. Even if it was only the direction of the wind.. Everything you did so far will bring you to where you are, so maybe we wouldn't be here together if things were different, we'll never know.." Izuku looks at Katsuki with a small smile. "So yes, I was brought down for being quirkless and for having an impossible dream, but I guess I'll just have to prove more people wrong." Izuku says in a whisper.  If I didn't want to prove everyone wrong so bad, I might have ended things. That's what kept me alive that day. He continued in his head.

Katsuki couldn't help but stare at Izuku letting every word sink in. He was gorgeous, the night sky surrounding them and the stars and moon giving a special light in his eyes big emerald eyes.

"You scare me sometimes." Katsuki chuckles and the other boy looks at him confused. "You keep that smile, that dumb stupid gorgeous smile, no matter what. And your determination, it's mesmerizing, almost scary." Katsuki smiles holding Izuku's hand.
"Never change got that? No matter what." Katsuki says under his breath.

Izuku was more then happy, he would wish to become friends with Katsuki again but he never would have thought that they would be like this. "I promise." He smiles and they share a short but sweet kiss.

They lay down Izuku laying on Katsuki's chest, the blond's arm around his waist as they both look at the sky.

Izuku kept wondering, is his mom watching over him? He likes to think so, because he wants to make her proud.

Prove them wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें