Chapter 22 - First day of School

Start from the beginning

The first to see was Jarrod, walking confidently, looking straight ahead, his pretty boy face eliciting a wave of shrill screams from the girls in the audience. Behind him, a very playful, cheery guy came out waving at the audience and beaming us a bright smile.

"Look, look! There's Lilia! We need to cheer!" Elijah stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs, Arthur and Lucas followed him, yelling her name as well. Her shy demeanor was nowhere to be seen as she walked calmly towards the center of the stage, where she gave small bows in each direction. There was no way she could see them or make out thier individual cheers but they still gave it thier all to cheer on thier friend.

Behind her walked out a tall student with long, parted bangs. His face was frozen into what looked like a stern grimace with a sharp gaze that seemed to be looking down on everyone, giving him a rather pompous appearance. While the cheers for him wasn't as loud as it was for Jarrod or the cheery guy, he, nonetheless, strode with practiced grace.

Finally, the last to arrive actually made the crowd silent. The unmistakable gunmetal silver hair that reflected the lights in the auditorium gave her a serene glow as her peachy-cream complexion made the boys all around the auditorium gape. She turned to face the audience so that her round, turquoise eyes captured the hearts of every boy in this auditorium.

'She was only thirteen...right?' Arthur thought to himself.

He had a hard time believing the girl he couldn't see as more than a kid had matured enough to catch him off guard. Her face still contained a childish innocence but the way she carried herself made him doubt that this was the same girl he had known since near-toddlerhood.

While still a little taller than Lilia, she was quite a bit shorter than the serious-looking guy next to her, but her posture made her seem bigger and grander than everyone else on the stage. Taking a deep bow, she came back up while tucking part of her hair behind her pointed ears, her face emotionless as a doll's.

"My name is Tessia Eralith, and I am honored to stand here as this academy's Student Council President." Tessia said starting her speech.

Everyone listened careful to her every word. All except for Arthur. He himself was mesmerised by her beauty.

Thanks to Lucas, who made it clear to him that he is Arthur Leywin and not King Grey over and over again, he finally realized his feelings that he has for his childhood friend. He loves her, more than anyone else in this world. He told himself that he wouldn't let her wait any longer. He dicided to tell her how he fells as soon as he can.

'Papa look there is mama. She is beautyful.' Sylvie said from atop of Arthur's head.

'Yes, yes she is.' He said.

"Art... I think I'm in love." Elijah said not being able to look away from the so called moon-goddess.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Elijah, but you probably don't have a chance with her." Lucas said as he struggled to keep in his loughter.

"Can't a man have his dreams?" He replied.

"Just don't be mad when she gets with someone else."

As Tessia finished her speech, everyone was dismissed. They all left the auditorium to go to there dormrooms.

As Lucas, Arthur and Elijah made there way to there rooms a explosion could be heared. Intrested the three boys went to look what happened.

"I don't see how a short-ass dwarf like you can even hope to be a proper Augmenter. Why don't you stick to forging some weapons for real warriors like me?"

"What da hell didja say? Who do ya think ya are, anyway?"

As they arrived at the spot the explosion acquired two boys could be seen argueing. A human and a dwarf.

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