The pinket took a few deep breaths and undressed, they finally left her alone. There seemed to be everything she needed to clean up and dry herself, but she still glanced one more time at the mirror before closing the shower curtain.

Only to be stunned at what she saw, on her naked back, there was something she did not recognize at all.

White markings that started at the base of her nape – she lifted her hair to see better – swills of white ink that dance all the way down the middle of her spine and reached her tailbone.

It was a beautiful art on her back, like the soft petals falling from a tree that was whisked away by the wind. Softly falling down her back.

Her eyes began to water, this was the only thing she had to give her an identity. The person who did this or wherever it was common to have this kind of markings had to belong to somewhere.

Who to ask and when had to wait, for now, she would cover it up and let it stay hidden until she found someone that might know something.

As the water fell on to her, she listed the possibilities. A library, an old wise person, a shrine maiden, a historian? Maybe even a doctor could tell here how she must have obtained those markings.

Her mind was set on learning everything she could – not only of herself – but about this place. Who the people feeding her and keeping her safe were and what their true intentions were. She was a lost girl and the only way to find home was to find one at this point.

Make a home in the hearts of those she would learn to rely on as much as she wanted other to rely on her. Create memories when she had none, make the most out of it once she could feel safe, even if she parted from those warriors who found her, she refused to live in fear whenever they were not nearby.

The clothing she was given, now that she could unfold them and give them a good look, were very similar to those the men on the other side of the door had. Dark, soft, thick and with wide high necks. They were oddly comfortable and smelled clean. The top was a little baggy but adjusted to her small torso as the skirt was able to adjust to her waist by the long straps, she figured would end up tied as a ribbon at her back. The length flared at the bottom and just past her thighs.

Finally, women's clothing!

There was a symbol above her heart that she did not know what it meant, like a small white and red fan? She remembered the small symbol in the clothing of the men who wore dark blue.

The garment she wore before had the symbol Hashirama proudly wore on his gear, even Tobirama had it... was it a family or military symbol?

More questions... great.

Her head was spinning by the time she was ready to exit, the fog created a daze, and her mind was not able to filter the information it had gathered in the short shower.

It was becoming too much.

The urge for fresh air pulled her to leave the small room, she could not hear the men, for a second she wondered if all they did was whisper or silently stare at each other the whole time.

When her eyes reached the bright room, the men stared right at her – well this is awkward... Her smile was nervous, but it seemed to give them all they needed to soften their intense stares.

Izuna cleared his throat first. – "How are you feeling?" – he smiled, but his eyes scanned every inch of her.

- "I am fine, thank you." – what else could she say? Glancing to Madara, he seemed to be in a different mindset from before.

- "I told Izuna what you mentioned before, I hope you don't mind." – he offered before asking her to sit on one of the beds. – "We have decided to take you to meet someone." – the pinket only listened and stayed put, it's not like she had places to go or people to see.

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