8. At Long Last

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Rene was still fast asleep when I woke up the next morning. His back was turned to me, but he had glued himself to my side. I smiled at the sight, and carefully rolled to my side to rest my hand on him. His neck was right there, and the alpha in me couldn't resist trying to find his scent. I tried not to wake him up when I nuzzled up to him, carefully moving my nose on his skin.

His scent... Maybe it was just a little bit stronger again? It was... I could smell... A hint of... roses?

Roses... Now that was odd. I didn't think I was the kind of man who enjoyed the scent of flowers... But Rene's scent wasn't lying. It was strong enough now for me to detect it. And I did have a large garden, so...

I smiled. Roses, huh...? Now I knew his scent, and I couldn't wait for it to grow strong. I wanted to learn every little detail in it. And about him.

I pulled my nose away so I could study his skin instead. I carefully touched his bare shoulder with my fingers, caressing him. He had soft skin... Warm and smooth. But the scars and the bones... How could anyone do such a thing to someone so innocent and kind? The alpha in me was slowly getting enraged, just like I was.

I should've tortured that man to death... I regretted killing him so fast. He should've spent weeks bleeding out. I entertained myself by picturing all the things I would've done to Lonnie Hill if I'd had the chance... My trusty old cigar cutter would've had a lot of use, that was for sure... His dick would've also been small enough for it, I imagined...

Rene shifted in his sleep, and my full attention was on him. I watched with a smile on my face as he continued moving, but then came the little sounds that hurt my heart and took away my smile. His little whimpers sounded like he was afraid or in pain. He was having a nightmare.

"Hey, Rene..." I whispered in his ear, caressing his shoulder soothingly. "You're all right, my darling boy... I'm here. I'm watching over you."

Little by little, he settled back down, but his sleep didn't seem so peaceful anymore. He'd told me he slept better with me here. How often did he have nightmares? And how many nights had he slept in this bed in fear, all alone, while I could've been there to protect him? That thought crushed my heart.

I gently wrapped him in my arms and held him tightly, hoping he could feel me there and that his nightmare was over.

It didn't take long for him to start waking up. I caressed him slowly while he moved around, his breathing changing. I couldn't see him opening his eyes, but it was easy to tell the exact moment when he did. His body tensed, and he cowered under my touch in fear.

"Hey baby... It's just me, Michael," I murmured soothingly, but he...

He didn't respond to me.

"Hey? Rene? What's wrong, baby boy?" I tried again, pushing myself up to see his face.

He was completely shut down again. I hurried to get out of the bed and made my way around it to sit in front of him. He didn't react to me at all. His eyes were glazed and his hands trembled as he held them tightly against his chest, like trying to protect himself.

"Rene?" I tried again, bringing my hand closer, but I didn't dare to touch him, fearing I'd only make things worse.

His breathing grew hard while I tried to decide what to do. My presence must've scared him or his alpha or both. But what was I supposed to do...? I took a moment to calm myself first. He wasn't in danger, and my panicking wasn't going to help anybody, so I had to stay calm.

"I didn't mean to scare you, baby boy..." I whispered, carefully touching the back of his hand. "Don't worry, you're safe here with me. You're all right..."

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