6. Unsolicited Help

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"All right, let's see now..." I murmured as I stared at my cookbook with a frying pan in one hand, and a pack of butter in the other.

"And why are you cooking again?" Francis asked at the dining table.

"I gave my staff this week off," I replied. "They were in my way."

"Right, right... You remember how to turn on the stove?" Francis asked. I turned to glare at him, so he quickly continued. "I mean of course you do! You're such a... such a great cook..."

I rolled my eyes at him and put the pan on the stove. "I can follow instructions. Besides, it's just a casserole. Anyone can do that."

Francis snorted. "You can't follow shit. Not rules, not directions, and definitely not instructions. But that's why you're the Boss."

"Thank you," I said.

I started cooking. I carefully followed the instructions to make sure I'd get to wipe the stupid smirk off my right hand's face. I'd rock this casserole. I'd make sure it was the best damn thing Francis had ever eaten. I'd show him...

A moment later, I saw movement in the corner of my eye, and turned around to see the kid carefully peering into the kitchen. "Hey, baby boy! Why are you up already?"

He shrugged and tiptoed his way to me. He smiled at me, rubbed my shoulder with his nose, then peered at the food I was preparing.

"I'm making us a casserole for dinner," I said proudly.

The kid stared at the food with his nose slightly wrinkled, then he turned to look back at me, leaning away.

"Are you giving me the side-eye?" I asked with a frown, but the kid looked somewhere up and away before making his way to Francis instead. "You're both dicks," I told them.

Francis laughed loudly. "Don't worry, kid, no one has died eating his food. Yet. He's just... not very aesthetic about it."

The boy let out the tiniest chuckle as he stopped next to the windows to look at the yard. I rolled my eyes at them, then turned to stare at the food I was making.

"...why is it turning green?" I muttered.

Once the food was finally in the oven, I held my fingers crossed even though it did kind of look like a baby's puke, then turned to stare at the kid. He was still standing by the window, hugging himself lightly as he watched the yard.

It was raining hard, so we couldn't go outside just yet. He was getting more and more curious to go outside, and he didn't seem to mind that the first time had been quite scary to his alpha. He wasn't afraid to try again. It was a good sign.

But I couldn't stop thinking... Maybe he just really wanted to leave.

I did my best to get rid of those sad thoughts that left my heart aching as I made my way to him. He smiled at me when I stopped next to him, his pretty eyes shining again. He looked so much better already... His skin had color, and he had already gained a little bit of weight, so his features weren't as sharp anymore. All his cuts and bruises had already healed, and only one remained.

"Can I see your hand?" I asked.

He gave me his bandaged hand, his expression dropping a little. I smiled at him soothingly as I started peeling the bandages off as carefully as I could. Once the last layer was off, I inspected the old wound carefully.

"It's healing beautifully," I told him, glad to see new skin growing already. "I don't think we need to put new bandages just yet. Let's give it some time to breathe."

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