2. The Kid

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I was still fuming when I sat down in the backseat of the car, even with the idiot now permanently gone. Francis brought the kid with him when he joined me in the backseat of my small limo, and my rage subsided when I watched the young man. Pity and sadness took over the anger and hate.

"Sit there," Francis told him, pointing at the seat opposite of me.

The kid did sit down, but I couldn't tell if he even knew the two of us were there.

"Hey, kid?" I said softly as the car started moving, but he stared down at his hands, his body stiff like a corpse. "Hey, you're safe now. We won't hurt you."

Nothing. He didn't even blink. I turned to look at Francis, who shook his head and sighed.

"Completely shut down," he muttered. "He's running on pure instincts. He goes where I point at, but I don't think he understands words."

"His alpha is in charge. The human... I hope he's still in there," I said.

"What are you going to do?"

I shrugged. "Can't leave him out here, can I?"

"No, he'll die," Francis agreed. "I'll ask around if anyone knows him. He should be at home. With his family. They can take care of him."

"He looks so young..." I muttered as I watched his face.

For an alpha, he had delicate features, though he was severely underweight. Quite tall, but really skinny. His short hair was dark, but missing large patches. His pale face had scars. It was hard to tell the color of his eyes since his pupils were dilated, but they were light. Blue or gray.

I watched him all the way back home. He didn't move. He didn't look up even once. He sat still, his hands in his lap, trying to be as small as his tall frame let him. My anger was still there, boiling under the surface. This kid had been through literal hell. Nothing less could shut someone down so completely.

I still had no idea what to do about him, but in this state, he was unable to take care of himself. I had to take him home with me and keep him there until we'd find his family.

"You need a hand, Boss?" Francis asked when the car passed by the gates to my yard, then stopped in front of my home.

"I'll take it from here. You should head home as well," I said. "Tell everyone they did a good job today."

"Yes, Boss. If you need anything..."

"I'll give you a call," I promised.

I turned to the kid and leaned closer. He didn't react, just like I'd expected.

"Hey. We should get inside. You look like you could use a long bath and a good meal," I told him, but nothing.

"You need to point outside," Francis told me.

I tried to make sure the kid saw me when I did as Francis said. I had my doubts, but lo and behold, the kid actually left the car. I was quick to follow him in case he'd run down to the street, but he only stood there, a few feet away from the car.

"You sure you can handle him?" Francis asked.

"I'm sure. Go get some sleep. Meet me here in the morning," I told him.

"All right. Night, Boss."

"Night," I replied, and the driver continued driving.

I turned back to the kid, who stared at his feet. With a sigh, I placed my hand carefully on his arm and gestured for him to follow me. He did so without hesitation. It was sickening. He just followed, no matter what my intentions were. Even with his human side completely shut down, his alpha should've tried to protect them both. But no. They were both completely broken, tortured into complete submission.

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