Chapter 5: Almost

Start from the beginning

Sokka's POV

"Sokka you are such a genius! Thank you so much!" Zuko said, turning around to face me. "No problem Zuko, just glad to help." "Sorry about General Huang, he shouldn't have spoken about you in that matter." "Zuko, it's fine." I said looking directly into Zuko's amber eyes. He looked so relieved and excited. "But seriously thank you so much, I honestly don't know what I would have done without your help." "I'm sure you would have managed, I only suggest one thing." "That one thing helped end the entire civil feud and is going to help the colonies as well! You also got all of the generals to listen to you, it was amazing!" Zuko exclaimed, "Thanks." I could feel myself blushing like crazy but honestly I couldn't care. I was just happy to see Zuko so excited and upbeat. Zuko reached out and hugged me. He then lifted his face up and our lips were only centimeters away, causing millions of knots in my stomach. Our foreheads were now touching and I could feel his breath on my skin! He then placed his hands on my face and I did the same back. We were slowly pulling in closer and I desperately wanted the space between our lips to disappear. However right before we kissed Zuko hesitated and dodged my lips instead, moving his face into my shoulder. Zuko almost kissed me, Zuko almost kissed me! Why did he stop? Was he scared?  I internally screamed, also why did I want Zuko to kiss me so badly?!   I wanted to say something, do something, but I couldn't. So instead I wrapped my arms around his body and held him wishing that we did more.

Katara's POV

It was pretty late out and I finally made my way back to the Palace. I had a great time hanging out with Zayla and Tia. I first sparred with Zayla and won every single time, but towards the end it was a lot closer. Afterwards we all went to Tia's house and she did all of our makeup and we talked. They mostly asked me questions about how I helped end the 100 year war, how I started dating Aang, what the South Pole was like, and about my travels. Zayla was most impressed by how I fought for women's rights to learn water bending in the Northern Watertribe and Tia was mostly interested in learning about the Kyoshi Warriors. She was so shocked that Sokka dated their leader Suki, and made some comment about how only an idiot would ever leave a woman like that for a guy which made Zayla laugh. During our conversation I learned that Tia's great grandmother was actually from the Northern Watertribe just like my Gran-Gran! After Tia completed our makeup we walked around the city a bit and watched a romance play, which was really good, however it made me miss Aang a lot. But overall the night was amazing, and I had a lot of fun. Once I got back to the Palace Sokka was the first person to greet me. He looked so excited and anxious at the same time. "Katara, where have you been? You've been out for hours!" "I was just hanging out with Zayla and Tia." "That explains why you look like a clown." "I do not! It's traditional Fire Nation makeup which holds a lot of sacred meaning!" "I do not care, something way more important than makeup occurred recently. I need to talk to you now! I'm losing my mind!" 'What happened?" Sokka grabbed my wrist and pulled me into my room. He was walking so fast which made me have to jog in order to keep up. Once we got to my room he slammed the door shut locking it. "Zuko almost kissed me!" "What???!!!!" Sokka explained what happened at the meeting and was speaking so fast. "Slow down Sokka, are you sure you almost kissed?" "Yes! Our lips were only inches apart! He placed his hands on my face and I did the same back after he pulled me into his face! He had one hand on each side, you don't hold your friends like that, right? Anyways our foreheads were touching! But then Zuko hesitated and instead of kissing me he dodged my lips and moved into my shoulder instead. We're so close to kissing Katara! I'm freaking out!" Sokka began to start pacing around my room. I reached up and grabbed both his hands forcing him to sit onto the bed with me. "Sokka this is great news, it means Zuko likes you more than as a friend," "Are you sure? If he wanted to be more than just friends he would have kissed me." "Sokka stop being so oblivious, he tried to kiss you first right?" "Yeah," "And for most of the meeting you were either holding his hand or you had your hand placed on his thigh." "Yes," "Then he clearly likes you but just got scared. You are his best friend and he doesn't want to risk losing you, he is nervous about the possibility that you don't like him back and you are just being a great friend." "But I am being a great friend! This whole thing is so confusing." I looked into my brother's ocean blue eyes, the eyes identical to mine. "Other than Zayla and Tia none of us apart from Aang have met a couple who were both the same gender. This whole thing is new to all of us and you both probably have no idea how to react to this. But the important thing is that Zuko tried to kiss you first, so clearly he was thinking about it but possum-chickened out." Sokka still looked unsure, "Sokka did you want to kiss Zuko?" Sokka hesitated, "I think I want to be with him Katara. I'm just scared that this isn't normal or what might happen." I pulled my older brother into a hug, "It's going to be scary but if you love him then nothing else matters. I will always love you regardless." "Thank you Katara, I love you too even though you can be so annoying at times." I laughed a little and I felt Sokka's grip around my body become tighter. "You're just jealous that I was right about you and Zuko," I teased him. We then both heard a muffled scream, "Get away from me hel-" Sokka instantly pulled away from me after hearing this scream. "Was that Zuko?" I asked my older brother but he was already running out of the room.

I sprinted after Sokka down the halls watching him kick down Zuko's door. Once he did we entered the room ready for battle. I saw Xuza and the male earth bender on one side of the room and Zuko on the other side, pinned down to the ground by the earth. I open my water pouch and begin attacking them along with Sokka. I grabbed a hold of the earth bender, almost defeating him until he crushes the rocks on Zuko a little tighter forcing me to stop. "Think about the offer Fire Lord, and make the right choice." With that they both disappeared beneath the ground and were out of reach.

Sokka's POV

Zuko managed to break free from the rocks and he looked like he had just witnessed a murder. "Zuko what happened?" Katara asked him, "N-nothing," "Zuko you are a terrible liar, what offer were they talking about?" I asked my 'friend?' "It doesn't... I can't tell you guys." He stumbled out. I glanced over at Katara and she looked angry. "Why can you tell us?! Is it because you don't trust us enough?!" She yelled at him, "Katara!" I yelled back. "No that's not why, it's just..." "It's just what Zuko?" Katara calm down please!  Zuko's eyes began to water and his body began to shake. "Knowing will only endanger you both. This is something I need to decide on my own and I... and I can't let anyone get hurt because of me." With that Zuko walked right out of his room shaking. "Zuko, come back now! This is serious, have you ever considered that maybe we don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt?!" Katara called out to him but he did not come back. "Zuko!" I placed my hand on her shoulder pulling her back. "We need to go after him Sokka!" She cried out. "I will just give him a moment to process this first." She sighed and walked out the room going the opposite direction of Zuko.

It's been a few minutes so I decide to go check on Zuko just to make sure that he hasn't done anything stupid yet. I walked all around the palace and couldn't find him. I then started to freak out, what if Zuko already did something stupid? What on earth did those anti-government thugs want from him?!  I continued searching the Palace going to the edge of the property. I then saw many flames from the corner of my left eye, that has to be Zuko right? Please let it be Zuko. I ran past the royal garden and saw Zuko blasting so much fire. I cautiously approached him slowly to make sure I didn't get burned because I am really not in the mood to become toasted Sokka. Zuko then collapsed onto the ground and let out a gut wrenching scream that shattered my heart.

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