Chapter 20: A Man and His Radio.

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In an abandon store in the pride ring.

Able doesn't know when it could have been right when he got out. Or later but something in Hell changed.

Alastor: Wel..l good to see your still strong as ever.

Able was choking a red colored looking deer demon he spoke funny.

Alastor then disappeared to only appear behind Able.

Alastor: Now Now is that anyway to treat someone who helped you get out.

Able was confused. 

Alastor: O my dear boy you seem confused come now remembered in your prison you called out for someone to help you. You make a deal with anyone. Well my dear boy in Hell deals are what we do. 

Able did remember wanting to escape he shouted at the darkness in his mind for anyone he shouted and shouted that anything would do. Then someone answered.

It must have been this man. If that were the case Able did owe him. 

Albe knelt down showing Alastor respect showing that he would help clear the debt he owed as long as Alastor helped him.


Alastor: *demonic voice* *static plays* HOWEVER ONCE THERE YOU WILL NEED TO GET SOMETHING FOR ME. 

Able cocked his head. 

Alastor: Tell me dear boy does the Medallion of Life mean anything to you?

Able shuddered.

Alastor: I thought so pry do tell me.

Able: aAAAH....

Alastor: Right you don't know how to speak considering you were trapped and used as Hell power source since Cain killed you.

Alastor: Well just nod for me if you know what I'm saying dear chap.

Alastor: *static plays* Now tell me this The Medallion of Life is in short, a book containing all of info on everything yes?

Able nods meaning yes.

Alastor: Good. So that info was correct. It is true that anyone who holds essentially gains all of God's Knowledge.

Able nods yes again.

Alastor smiled meaning he was right on the money.

Alastor: Now from what my knowledge is there is an old tale that long ago those of sin stole said Medallion. However if I were to guess my dear boy...

Alastor: Pry tell Was it your dear old Father Adam who stole it.

Able didn't move.......

Alastor started getting slightly irritated.

Alastor: Keep in mind boy with recent events *exudes a small bit of power* I can put you back in that hole if needed.

Able shuddered so this must have been what changed in Hell recently someone else was now ruling it as looked up at Alastor and he just grinned.


Alastor smirked all the info he collected over the years all that killing was finally paying off. 

Adam the original sinner who betrayed the garden took his family away but not before taking something else. 

The Medallion of Life a tool that could make anyone technically think they were God. However, on someone like Adam it would just work like a belt buckle. 

Alastor: hehehehe ahahhahaha now here is the deal my boy you help me get that Medallion once you're in the Human World and I'll let you find and kill Cain your brother.

Able was a bit taken aback by this.

Alastor: O yes you poor boy your brother is alive as I imagined your father too. Immortality is a curse while a blessing. As a Demon myself I can't enter without well rituals and summoning. 

Alastor: Even with the newly acquired power I have some forces that lay the foundations of our world still go beyond me. Except for a certain magic book in the Goeita family. 

Alastor: Help get said book and I will help you deal. 

Able two deals but both worked for him as long as he got to kill his brother he didn't care.

Able stuck out his hand and shook Alastor's hand.

A green glow flowed showing the pact has been signed.

From now on things would be different.

*End of Flashback*. 

What it Means to be the Prince of Hell 2(Hazbin Hotel! and Helluva Boss! book 2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα