"Noah well...".

"You know, thank you so much for bringing this up, Mal" he goes.

She smiles.

"It's what I'm here for".

I eye her.

"Fatty," I say.

She waves my comment off.

"I look great. You're just jealous" she laughs.

I shake my head and turn to Noah.

"We're going to have another baby, okay?" I assure him. "Your son brought it up last night".

"Wait what?" his eyes widen.

"Mm hm," I hum.

"Is that why you..." he trails off and looks at Malia.

She looks up from her phone and up at us. Then she nods in understanding.

"I've stayed too long," she says and walks out of the house.

Noah turns to me and smirks.

"Last night...".

I groan and kiss his jawline.

"Yes, I do want another baby" I sigh.

"You sexy little woman" he growls seductively and captures my lips in a passionate kiss.


We pull away and see Yara smiling at us.

"Just pretend like they're not here, Yara" Malia sighs as she steps back into the house.

We laugh.

"Is it okay if Milton and I take a walk?" Yara asks.

"Yes. I'll come too" Maila answers.

I smile at Yara.

"Have fun" I say.

She smiles back and turns to go get Milton.

"Be good!" we wave at him as he skips up and down between Yara and Malia.

"So you two made up?" Noah asks as I close the front door.


"Thank the goddess. I couldn't take another day of awkwardness whenever you two passed by each other or grabbed the remote at the same time".

I chuckle.

"Awkward is what's going to go down at your little housewarming idea tonight" I tease.

He chuckles as he stirs the pot.

"Is it necessary though?".

"Very" he replies. "It's a peace offering".

"For who?".

"Mainly Colton" he answers.

I roll my eyes.

"What? He doesn't look at you like a piece of meat anymore so that's worth celebrating".

"And there's nothing else you'd rather celebrate?" I ask.

"Of course there is," he says dramatically, covering the pot and moving up to me. "I have a beautiful woman beside me, we have the best son who's going to be a big brother soon...".

I laugh.

"And there's nothing else in this world that'll match up to all of this".

I smile.

"You're my family and I love you".

"I love you too" I whisper, kissing his lip.

"Well I love you more" he goes, kissing my lip.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن