Chapter 20

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Mew's pov:

I knocked on the big double doors twice, waiting for a cue to go in.

It's been 2 days since p'Sam came to mine and Gulf's place.

He texted me earlier today, telling me to come to his office.

So now here i am, standing infront of the doors.

I heard it being unlocked after a second so i pushed one of the doors open.

I wasn't surprised to see the others already there.

I stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

Riko got up from the couch where she was sitting and sat down on the carpet cross-legged.

"Sit, captain." She gestured to the now empty spot.

I decided against saying anything and just went and sat down.

"It's finally come to light." Lorraine muttered.

I hummed. "I'm sorry for revealing the part about you guys without your permission."

"It's ok. We trust p'Sam. And you trust your boyfriend too." Roland replied.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Gulf won't tell anyone. I made him promise." I assured.

They nodded again.

"But what's going to happen now? Are they going to attack the UN and have the project shut down?" Ryuto asked.

"Yeah, like they can do that." Brian scoffed.

"They don't have nearly enough power to put a stop to it. Multiple countries speaking up against it wasn't enough to do it even." I shook my head.

They kept quiet after that.

"Where's Henry? I haven't seen him since the dinner." I looked around.

"He went to meet his family in Chang Mai. He said he'll spend his time off there." Lorraine answered.

I nodded.

That's good. Having time with your family isn't really something we get a lot.

He's the only one of us who has people like that now after all.


We looked toward the door when it opened.

P'Sam came in, closing the door behind him.


There was a tense silence in the air after he sat down behind the desk near the couches we were sitting on.

"You should have reported this to me the day you found out, Mew." He looked at me.

"We were in the middle of a battlefield. The attack on the small village was at its peak at the time. I had more important things to worry about as the captain of the division dispatched to the area." I answered calmly.

He sighed and combed back his hair." How do you forget about something like this?"

"I didn't. Not for a while after that atleast." I shook my head.

"Then-" He looked at me, obviously about to yell but Lorraine cut him off.

"It was our request."

He frowned at her. "What?"

"He wanted to report it to you. But we begged him not to." Ryuto.

"Why?" P'Sam.

"Because we wanted to be continued to look as humans. Not pitiful lab rats. And we all know our government will try their utmost to get rid of us if they found out about it. Because we will pose a threat to them. Our position wasn't as solid as it is now back then." Riko.

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