Chapter 14

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Mew's pov:

I stared at the cup of coffee on the table infront of me blankly.

It's already the next morning after meeting my parents.

Gulf just cuddled with me the whole days in bed.

He didn't try to ask or make me talk.

Just stayed with me and made sure i drank and ate even if a little.

I sighed softly and rubbed my face with my palm.

I can't keep myself cooped up in here though.

I need to get on with my life.

Gulf has showed me a new path. The one I've always dreamt of following.

I'm not letting that go to waste.

I can get over this.

I'll be fine.

It's not the first time i was abandoned anyway.

It's nothing new.

"P'Mew?" I looked to my side when i heard his voice.

He came and sat on the chair next to me, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Are you sure you still want to go for your lesson today?" He asked.

I nodded. "I don't want to stay cooped up in here. It's not going to do anything. I would rather go out and do something productive."

He reached out and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"If that's what you want. But you're not forcing yourself are you?"

I shook my head. "My anxiety won't let me rest if i stay in here anyway. I'll feel much better if i just go to the lesson."

He nodded.

I downed the rest of my coffee in one gulp. 

"P' there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." He spoke. 

I looked at him waiting. 

"Have you ever considered going to therapy?" He asked slowly. 

I blinked. 

He quickly reached out and took my hands into his. 

"You've been through hell and back in your life. Without getting a minute of rest. It might not feel like you need help but i think you should go." He added. 

"It's not that I've never considered that possibility. I did actually even look into it after getting discharged. I know i need help. I know i have tons of trauma built up over the years. But I've never been able to gather enough money to afford it. So it wasn't really a viable option for me." I sighed. 

"But you don't need to worry about money anymore. I'm here. You just need to focus on yourself." He squeezed my hand gently in his. 

"I don't feel comfortable letting you spend all this money on me..." I muttered. 

He cupped my cheek and made me look at him. "The money i spend on you is not only for yourself. It's for me as well. I feel happy and settled when i see you healthy and doing well. I get anxious when i see you sad or in pain. So think of this as me curing my own anxiety. I would be so happy to see you gain your full happiness without any barriers after getting the help you need." 

I chewed on my bottom lip as i looked down at my lap. 

"Please do this for me." He leaned forward, pressing his lips onto mine. 

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