Chapter 15

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Ok, Before you read, I'll tell you this.
I don't know shit about military ranks, divisions, or anything. And I'm way too lazy to research. So just go along with what's written. 

Mew's pov: 

We were eating lunch together in comfortable silence when my phone rang with a notification. 

I took it out of my pocket and immediately lit up when i saw who the text was from. 

I quickly opened it and a wide smile formed on my face when i saw what it said. 

Riko: Hello Captain! So sorry for not keeping in touch! The new Captain ate us all out during this past year after you were discharged. 
Our division decided to keep a get-together tomorrow at xx restaurant at 6 since we're all getting released for 4 months. 
We all would love it if you could also join! 

I barely kept myself from jumping on the spot from excitement as i sent a quick reply. 

Me: I would also love to join. I'll definitely be there. 


I couldn't help but chuckle at the text. 

"Something good happened?" I looked at Jay when i heard him speak. 

He and Gulf were looking at me with intrigued smiles on their faces. 

"I just got a text from one of the kids in my division from when i was in the military. They're having a get-together tomorrow since they all got their release for the next 4 months. They invited me to join." I explained. 

Their smiles widened at that. 

"That's great! You should definitely go p'." Gulf. 

I nodded with a wide smile on my face. "I already said I'll be there. It's in xx restaurant tomorrow at 6." 

"Seems like you're really excited to meet them again." Jay chuckled. 

"I am. I haven't heard from them in the last year. Apparently, the new captain who replaced me is really strict." I shook my head. 

They both blinked profusely at that. 

"What?" I blinked confused as i stared at their shocked expressions. 

"The captain who replaced you... You were a captain?" Gulf asked wide-eyed. 

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"Can i ask which division you were in charge of?" Jay asked just as shocked. 

"First division," I answered honestly. 

Their jaws dropped at that. 

"The strongest division?!" They both yelled at the same time. 

I scratched my head sheepishly. 

"P' why didn't you mention this before?" Gulf. 

"You didn't ask. And i didn't think it was that important." I muttered. 

"We thought you were just a normal military veteran. Who would have guessed you were the former captain of the strongest division in the Thai military?" Jay chuckled. 

I couldn't help but blush, seeing the looks of admiration directed toward me. 

I didn't dare try to say that it was nothing. Not after that cello debacle. 


Gulf took me to the restaurant the next day. 

"Call me when you're done ok? I'll come to pick you up." He looked at me after we stopped. 

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