Chapter 6

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Mew's pov:

I sighed softly as i leaned my head on the window.

Yesterday was a wreck.

It started off so well.

But then of course things had to go downhill.

Why did i have to breakdown like that after seeing them just for a few seconds?

It's already been 5 weeks since they abandoned me and told me to never contact them again.

I should have moved on.

But here i am.

Still stuck in the past.

I closed my eyes and gripped my arms tightly.

The memories of yesterday played in my head.

The way he comforted me and held me while i cried my heart out. The way he kept reassuring me nonstop that he won't leave me.

It was all so new and warm.

No one has ever held me like that before.

Hell, no one has ever tried to comfort me when i cried.

I've only been called weak and laughed at whenever i cried.

But he remained by my side.

He didn't laugh or call me weak.

I opened my eyes and looked at the closed book on my lap.

A small smile formed on my face as i remembered how he had bought more than 20 books for me after i told him that i like reading.

Of course i scolded him a lot about spending so much money.

But in the end, i couldn't stay angry at him seeing his puppy eyes.

I took the book and caressed it gently.

I don't even remember the last time I've had the luxury to read like in peace. With soft music in the background.

I think the last time was when i was in middle school before my parents died.

"Why do you care this much... Not even my own family care as much as you do..." I muttered under my breath.

There was a warm feeling in my chest.

I knew what it was.

But i was still unsure about the circumstances.

I don't know what exactly he thinks of me.

I then remembered the kiss from yesterday.

That was probably just to shut me up.

I shouldn't think about it too deeply.

I shook my head.

I kept the book aside and carefully swung my legs to the side so i could get up from the bed.

I want some fresh air.

Let's go to the rooftop.

I took my cane and stood up before taking the book and my phone.


I tilted my head up towards the sky and took a deep breath.

The sky was clear with few clouds and a gentle breeze.

It's not too sunny so that's a good thing.

Thankfully the rooftop at this apartment complex has benches where I can sit.

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