The Letters (Descriptive Scenes Trigger Alerts) Sorry

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I read those sick letters saying he wanted a life with her and Daisy. I suspected he had found out about Daisy because he had a photo of her and Anastasia on him when he died. He was sick to the very end. He wrote those letters in prison. I don't want to keep them, but I want to just in case, because he admitted to his guilt in more than Anastasia's case and two others, I want to find those other two victims. There might be other heirs. They might have need of some of the inheritance money. I am definitely putting people on it to find these other poor kids he raped.

I could see dad had read those letters and he has sent a few people out to find people. He wasn't a happy man. Christian thinks we should still stay with him while dad works things out regarding the properties and the rest of the inheritance. We did start going back to our normal schedules. Daisy start sixth grade this year, she is anxious about attending classes with older students. I am tempted to test her out regular school and start her in college courses. I need to see if she is able to do it first. I am sitting at the desk in the library and typing away when Christian comes inside to talk to me.

I think we could use some down time, come with me. She follows me I take her hand in mine. I feel good with her hand in mine it's like it was always supposed to be there. We really haven't had alone time to get to know each other. Daisy is asleep and security is on guard well not Jason and a few others, Gail's also asleep. I get us some snacks and drinks and turn on the tv and hit movies and sit next to her and ask her to choose a movie of any type or we could just talk about our childhoods. I want to verify if she was the little girl in my dreams. I am pretty sure after seeing photos of her and her family all together right before she was taken from her father and I saw her and her brother with Santa Claus and she had tears in her eyes.

I need to tell Christian about my childhood and how I felt when my mother wanted to tear our family apart. I start telling him about my childhood and that I begged my mom to leave us with dad and then begged Santa for my one wish to stay with my father and he told me he was so very sorry, but he couldn't grant me that wish, he couldn't change a courts orders. Everything was like a nightmare from that point on. I had just finished my chores and mom was gone and Joseph was sticking close to me out of fear for our safety. Since my twelfth birthday Stephen was watching my breast develop and stated that they were getting bigger and bigger. He found out my periods had started and said now I could have babies. It was shortly after my period ended that he started touching me in places he shouldn't have it was then I realized he planned on getting me pregnant. Mom was gone somewhere and he waited thirty minutes and grabbed me and took me up the stairs and Joseph chased after us to protect me and he shoved him down the staircase. He raped me over and over again and again and Sid he was just making sure that I have his baby. He was still raping me when mom came home and found Joseph unconscious at the foot of the stairs. She was drunk and dialed 911 and heard my screaming and did nothing to stop Stephen, the EMTs called the cops and they broke the door down and grabbed Stephen off me. They took me to the hospital and called my dad. Joseph gave them his number and name. Mom was arrested and let go for some reason. Stephen was arrested and found guilty witnesses saw him raping me and testified in my place.

I pull her to me and dry her eyes and tell her that she has all kinds of people who love her and Daisy and will protect both of them with their lives. I kiss her and she kisses me back and thanks me. I hold her and she calms down and I start searching the movies for something that will lighten the mood. My heart is fuller now that I know it was her in my dreams. I believe that dreams do come true and have had some of them come true. I kiss her again and tell her life will get better and I will ensure it does for her and For Daisy. Both are very special people and no matter how Daisy came to be she is loved by so very many people. We watch a comedy to get us laughing.

I am relieved to have told Christian that story about my past and I feel better that I have and I trust him with the truth of Daisy's conception. He kissed me and held me until I calmed down. We sat there for a while and he found us a comedy to watch and kissed me again. It was a very tender kiss and it said so much. I kissed him back and he looked deep into my eyes and told me that he will make sure Daisy and I are safe from now on and kissed me again, it was a kiss that said so much to me. I kissed him back. We watched the movie ate snacks and it felt like a date, I have never been on a date before because Daisy never liked the men who asked me out and told me so. She also said a few things that assured that would get a response from them and if they were negative I would tell them my daughter is my priority and they got the message.

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