A Huge Coincidence

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I am just finishing up my appointment with Anastasia and Daisy, who has an ear infection. I prescribe antibiotics and give directions on what to do for Daisy and my assistant lets me know Christian is here to pick me up for lunch. Anastasia gets things ready to leave when she opens the door to see Christian standing outside it waiting for me. Daisy gives him a hug and tells him her ears are infected and did he know that?

Well I am sorry but I didn't know that and I am sorry about your ears being infected but you have a great doctor treating you. She's my mother like Anastasia is your mommy. I look at my mom and then Anastasia and ask if they would like to join us for lunch and knowing Daisy like I do she accepts the invitation. Mom laughs and says it's okay with her is Anastasia says it's okay. We head to the exit and I have Jason take us to the Mile High Club. Jason calls for a child's booster seat for us. I had them add them just in case. I mean all of us are adults now and could have children. Mom and Daisy are talking about our last lunch and how much fun we had and she hopes to have more lunches with me. I see Jason's shoulders shake with laughter. I am in big trouble now. Mom knows and treats Daisy and likes her very much. Who would like her. Daisy on the other hand doesn't like just anyone. She made it clear to one of the waitresses and the waiter as well. She told the waitress that her breasts could be seen under her bra and she needed to fix that problem. The waitress was about to make a comment back when Anastasia told her to get her manager before she said anything back to a six year old. The manager came over and apologized to Anastasia about the waitresses unbuttoned outfit and it would never happen again. He had a waiter come over and Daisy said she saw him kissing the waitress and she thought he would do things to our food. He got mad and called Daisy a spoiled brat. Soon we had another waiter and the other waiter and waitress was waiting on other tables. She apparently was trying to gain my attention and her boyfriend was going to make sure we got tainted food. Daisy noticed things we hadn't. After that we had a great meal and fun time. That waitress won't be flirting with me again. Daisy made sure of that. We finally arrive at the restaurant and of course the hostess is flirting with me. Daisy tells her to stop flirting and take her job seriously. She is shocked and embarrassed and leads us to our table barely talking.

Daisy us very protective of Christian after only seeing him twice. Anastasia is a very good mother and has raised her daughter well. A bit outspoken, but she calls them right. I am glad she called that hostess on her flirting. A six year old correcting an adult on their poor behavior. We are seated and a booster seat is waiting for Daisy and she sits in it like the princess she is. Her manners are impeccable and she doesn't spill anything at all. I learn that Anastasia is Christian's employee who was working for SIP and I ask her about whether she had issues with Hyde.

I tell Grace that I was the one that got him arrested thanks to my father and Gregg another employee who called the cops when he was locked out of the copy room leaving me with Hyde. Hyde had no idea I was trained in several forms of self defense. I basically sent Hyde to the hospital via police escort. All his victims came forward after the news broke.

He won't be doing that ever again. Jason laughs and says he met his maker and is burning for eternity. Daisy says he shouldn't have tried to hurt my mommy. I agree with her. Daisy then tells us she is training in self defense because she is small and needs to know these things according to her grandpa. Suddenly we get company Elliott, dad, Mia, Ray and Joseph Steele arrive. I'm so stuck here now. Jason types a message to Andrea telling her to cancel my appointments and transfer as many as she can to Roz. Mom introduces herself and me to the Steele's and Anastasia and Daisy to Elliott, Mia and Dad.

Ray Steele brought his son to the office to set up the trust fund for the settlements he is getting from the SPD and the Lincoln estate. Elliott and Mia showed up and we all decided to go to lunch at the Mile High Club. I asked Jason if Christian was available and he said he is eating lunch with his mother and two lovely females. He just didn't mention how young the females were or that they were names Steele. Jason does that for his own amusement at times. When we arrived we stopped in our tracks and Ray laughed as he saw Daisy and Anastasia.

I was hoping the two females were older than the ones before us. Both are very young so they are off limits to me. Especially the six year old. Daisy is telling me that she's been told about me and that I date a lot of women, she thinks this is an awful idea. She thinks I need to find one and get married. She then suggest a few she knows. They seem about my age. She can introduce me to them. I hear laughter from behind the menus and told Daisy that I will keep that in mind. I then ask if she has someone in mind for Christian and she says well yes, but I am working on that and can't say anything yet. I hear a choking sound and see Christian trying to stop choking. Mom is tapping his back to help him stop. Take that Christian.

I love this little girl she's funny. I then am asked if I need a boyfriend and I tell her I am attending school now and not ready to have a boyfriend. Why am I being asked all these questions? She then asked me what Walmart I bought my outfit from, because it would look nice on her mommy. Then she asks if they make them for children. I hear laughter roaring from my parents and my brothers. I tell her it's a designer dress and she comes back with all clothes are designed by someone. What the difference in the idea of it all. Is this an adult in a child's body or what?

I need to redirect Daisy and quickly. Dad is asking Christian all kinds of question while Daisy is asking even more questions. Please let this be over soon.
I look at Anastasia as she suffers the same thing as I did when she was about that age. I find it amusing her daughter is just like her. Joseph is laughing and he and Elliott are talking sports and soon the men are talking and the women are talking. I got to know Christian and so did Joseph. We all got to know Daisy and her interrogators mind.

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