Change Is Good

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I have just published my most recent book and Daisy and Joseph are coming to the book signing and three security people. Two females and one man. Daniels and Prescott are our normal female security but Armer he's new to the team. Dad hired him as a favor to a friend. Daisy thinks he's funny, but he's not Christian. She hates that she can't have lunch with him anymore. So many restrictions for a six year old. I have avoided Christian and it is actually easy. I have seen Jason on occasion and Daisy hasn't escaped from childcare again. She is sad that she can't see Christian, but she understands. I have entertained her and she and I are writing our own books now. I am going through withdrawal myself.  I think Joseph really liked Elliott and so did dad. Mia we barely knew. Grace was nice and Daisy liked her as well.

The kids are sad because of the Grey family they miss Elliott, Christian and Grace. But Carrick is not my idea of a person that I want near my family at all. Anastasia is a prize and she was dealt a blow at at 12 years old and Daisy came from that blow. Both are miracles and we are beyond lucky to have them both and no one is going to make her or Daisy less than they are because of what happened. We didn't go to the bbq and we weren't missed at all. I finally finished the desks and they were happy to get them. They have set the time to do the dock and boathouse. They got in before it got to busy so they will look at a couple of weeks work at the longest. We made a nice profit off the desks and they loved them and they were easily placed in their offices and we got their old desks to haul away. We are going to refurbish them. Jospeh wants to use them at our house and in his new office. He has gotten his degree and we went to his graduation.

I am going to be working at home and I need software and Anastasia has bought the software and the equipment I need to do the work I am going to do. Animation, artwork and background work for movies and photos. I have been working at dads company and I can do both but I need to have the money from both to buy a studio to do the work. An office for now is fine, but a studio is larger. An old factory with a lot of space to set up scenes. It will take a lot of work.

I am just so angry at Carrick for his attitude towards the Steele's and that he judged Anastasia for being a young mother without asking himself just how old she was when she became pregnant. He is an attorney for God's sake he has heard that even babies are raped. I lost Daisy as a patient and she was delightful. The Steele's want nothing to do with us after Ray was brought out here for a job we didn't need done. I didn't need a new desk and neither did he. Christian misses Daisy and Anastasia, but he is aware that she is avoiding him and all of us and has told Daisy she can't see us either. The childcare at GEH has been given strict instructions that Daisy can only have Ray, Joseph and Anastasia as visitors and only they can be pick her up, no exceptions. I tried. Security asked me to leave. Even Christian was asked to leave.  That was a bold move. I miss Daisy and the way she made us all laugh. Such a sweet, smart person who lights up the whole room. Carrick is going to make this right and immediately.

It is not often my wife comes to office and she never barges in, but she did today. She wasn't allowed to visit Daisy at GEH daycare and no one by the last name Grey is allowed near her. I didn't know Ray was that angry. Grace sat me down and gave me the birthdate of Daisy Lou Steele and when she was conceived and I was very ashamed of my judgement of a child who was 12 when she became pregnant. I had no idea and didn't want to know, I just assumed things and they were good things. Grace said that the mother had custody when she was raped and Ray was not the rapist. The blood types are different. She told me not to ask how she knows she just does know. I now need to apologize to all the Steele's. Grace is not the only one to barge into my office this week. Christian, Elliott and Mia have as well. But Grace is the one who will be making me sleep elsewhere until this is resolved. She leaves and before she leave she tells me she loves me, but I better make this right.

The bells ring and I see Carrick Grey walking and Joseph is going elsewhere and having another guy wait on him. I still don't remember his name because he is part time.

I ask to talk to Ray Steele and finally Ray comes from his office and asks me what I want? I ask to apologize for my actions and my assumptions about Anastasia and how I felt she wasn't good enough for Christian or Elliott and that I didn't run the numbers and I didn't even think things through. I ask that he forgives me for what I did wrong and insinuated he and his family were not good enough for mine. I then said it takes a strong person to give birth and then raise a child and they are a delightful brilliant child, that my whole family misses. I beg him to give me a second chance and I will never be that way again. That's going to be tricky because you need to apologize before Anastasia quits her job at Grey Publishing, which is tomorrow. I need to get to Anastasia and quickly, but she most likely won't see me. I beg Ray to go with me. I apologize to Joseph as we leave and I think he has already heard me beg for forgiveness.

They let me in to see Anastasia and I bring Carrick with me. She is looking out the window when we arrive, Daisy is on her lap crying. She hears the door close and turns to see me and Carrick. Daisy points at Carrick says you are a very bad person mr Grey. You caused all this. I can't see Christian because of you. I hold her in my arms as she cries. Carrick apologizes and he hopes that one day he will be forgiven and he hopes that Anastasia will forgive him for his assumptions about her and can put this aside so his family can see all the Steele's especially Daisy and Anastasia.

Grace, Christian, Elliott and Mia have been mad at me about my comments to your father and they don't agree with me and my wife pointed out the errors of my thinking and I am so sorry for the extra pain I have caused you with regards to Daisy and your age. Please let me make it up to you and don't resign your job here. Let Christian see you and Daisy and my wife and other children, I beg of you.

Mommy please I miss Christian. I hug mommy and she calls Jason and ten minutes later Christian walks in and picks me up and hugs me. He squeezes mommy's hand and thanks her.

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