Bright Orange Clashes With Bright Yellow

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It's been a week since mrs Lincoln was in here. Dad is having her followed and so is someone else. Dad said that he has devices around the shop to catch whatever she might try. He can monitor and record everything at the same time to his servers and make copies of it all. I feel a cold chill go down my spine and hear the bells over the door ring announcing a customer walking inside and I smell her perfume and hear those awful heels creating marks on our wood floors. I know dad has been watching and he texts me and tells me to let him know when I get too uncomfortable.

Elena Lincoln
I come back because I couldn't resist the young boy working for the Steele company. I couldn't keep my hands off him. I asked him about a custom made bed with built in hooks to attach chains and other things to. He's nervous around me and keeps checking his phone. I get closer to him and he backs up. I think about what he would look like under those clothes. He is over six foot tall and very nice muscular build. I touch his arm and he backs away from me again. I soon have him backed into a corner just where I want him and I run my fingers down him chest to his crotch, Suddenly I am grabbed right before I reach his zipper. I am placed in hand cuffs by two police officers. They were here watching me all the time and there are videos of my actions. The boy is going to testify against me.

The cops failed to stop her from grabbing my penis through my pants. I feel dirty. Dad was angry at the cops from waiting so long to arrest the bitch. He thinks they did it deliberately and if he could prove it he would have them fired for allowing me to be truly sexually assaulted. The two coverts were both sitting watching as Elena was arrested and taken to jail. They mirandized her. I couldn't pick Daisy up, so dad did. I went to the police station and filed charges against Elena Lincoln. Dad wants me to see a therapist and I agree. Those cops definitely allowed me to get groped.

The cops came in through the back and watched her in action and I have it recorded and we are going to have a word with their bosses. I even got it on video where they spoke about waiting until she touched his crotch. I am going to show that to my attorney and their bosses. I hope we get the other boys to come forward. Jason Taylor gave me a call and told me that they started following her before I did. They want to contact all the boys that were at her home. After it hit the news numerous boys came forward with their parents by their sides.

I can't get hold of my attorney. I am in an orange jump suit and I am being charged with sexual assault on a minor and there are witnesses and videos and photos of my grabbing his penis. It feels like a set up to me. Soon there are people bringing their boys forward and I am being charged with all kinds of charges. This orange thing doesn't go with my hair at all. I am waiting on being arraigned but my attorney is still not answering my calls. I can't even try to hire anyone. No one wants to defend me. I have to accept a public defender. I have to pay the costs for the public defender. They have searched all our properties and Richard is not available and not answering my calls.

Police man 1
I can't believe what we found in her er house and we found pornography of young boys in various poses and mrs Lincoln is in the photos. She definitely was having sex You with boys. We are still looking through it all. I get sick and need to leave. Someone comes in and replaces me.

Police woman 1
I go inside and start going through the photos and find my younger brothers face in them. I call mom and dad and tell them that they need to come and press charges against Mrs Lincoln for wrongful death and sexual assault. They had no idea who hurt Daniel and now they will.

Dana Wells
Cindy called and told us to come down and press charges against mrs Lincoln. She has something we need to see and we will be pressing charges and filing a law suit against the Lincoln's. James and I walk in and Cindy leads us into a room where we see things that make us I'll and explain who hurt our son so much he died from the injuries. The dungeon where she took him was filled with barbaric things all over it.

I want this bitch dead. Daniel died after she did that to him. Dana is in tears, but I want blood. The bitch is still here and hasn't been arraigned yet because charges are still being processed against her. We sign all the documents to charge Elena Lincoln with everything we can. I see a man with a young boy and I ask if he's a victim as well? Cindy tells me that he was how they got her arrested and search warrants were issued on all the Lincoln's properties. I ask Cindy if we can meet them and she tells me that she thinks it is a bad idea at this point. Maybe after the trial. I tell her once it is okay that I want to thank them for their help in this and hope his son is okay. His son seems okay just a little shaky at this point. His father has his arm around his sons shoulders reassuring him as we stand there. Suddenly the two look over at us like they know what I am thinking about. They walk over to me and Ray Steele introduces himself to us and tells me he is so sorry for our loss.

I found out that one of the boys died from Mrs Lincoln's sexual assaults on him. We don't know the time frame but Joseph and I want to help them if we can. We turn and I see it in the couples eyes and we go over and introduce ourselves to the couple. I knew they were the parents of the dead boy, because he wasn't with them. All the others boys were with them.

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