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TRIGGER WARNINGBlood, Murder, Gore and Possessiveness

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Blood, Murder, Gore and Possessiveness.

YOU WEREN'T REALLY SURE if you could even have some fun, since, everything. But, you needed some relaxation. You couldn't hide forever, by now, you knew he had most likely given up. You were relieved accepting that.

Your Friend group was still supportive, and even thought this would be good for you. Drinking wasn't healthy but at least you'd be having fun and taking your mind off of things.

Arriving at Paige's, She squealed as you came in."(Y/N)! You came!" "Of course I did, I can't turn down free alcohol, You joke. You maintain contact with your mother and her doctor, well, she was still recovering so you couldn't really talk to her much.

Evangeline and Jack were there. Ivan as well. "What first? You laughed. Paige poured you a drink of wine. "Wine, because why not? Paige said. "Alright, You say. "It probably won't make me drunk though."

"Duh. That's why we're doing fireball, Paige replied. You shouldn't be nervous for that. But hey, you were sleeping over so you wouldn't have to drive yourself home. You drink your wine quick, like your friends.

"Hell yeah, (Y/N)! Paige cheered you on. You smile. "Mind if i pour myself some more?" She grinned. "No, go right ahead. I might need some more myself."

You got yourself another glass of wine. Wine wasn't the best alcohol but hey, it was alcohol nonetheless. Paige got up from Ivan's lap to get more for both of them.

Evangeline and Jack were also on the couch, acting like a couple. You weren't jealous. You weren't too interested in a relationship at the moment. Besides, you were having fun just having them there.

Soon, You were giggling like crazy, when you were drunk, you were like that. Paige laughed by how drunk you were, kind of funny for your friends. "Hey! Not funny! You slurred, still giggling. Evangeline replied. "You can admit it is kind of funny."

You pouted, normally not this embarrassing if you were sober. But you weren't. And you had just done fireball. Of course you were even more drunk now. "I'm not drunk."

"We're all drunk! Ivan slurred, getting up to dance with Paige, who obliged, dancing along to music with her boyfriend she had been serious with. You cheer them on, so does Evangeline, Jack, simply smiling or chuckling by their behavior.

There was a sudden ring to Paige's phone. "Hold on guys! She slurred, picking it up."Hello?" You sat on the floor, drinking some water to sober yourself up. God you'd probably have a hangover tomorrow.

Evangeline got up to get more water and for some herself. Jack wasn't too drunk, only having one drink or so. Because he planned to drive early in the morning.

Paige's eyes widened as she quickly hangs up. "What's wrong, Paige? Ivan asks. "A fucking weirdo, She replied. "He knows my name."

"What? You stand up, already having a feeling on who called Paige. She locks her door, closing her window, and going in her room and others. "Mhm, I think he knows where I live, She said nervously. "I'm sorry, guys... If i ruined our night..."

"No, Paige, whoever called you is ruining this, our night isn't even ruined, Ivan assures her. You nodded in agreement.

She sobbed in his shoulder, still very terrified. "Hey, we'll make sure this creep doesn't get you, You assure Paige. Evangeline and Jack standing by as well.

You'd make sure he wouldn't find you. Or hurt your friends. Not when your life was going so well for you, without him being in your life.

Your phone rings. You look down, Blocked Number was the ID. You sigh, hesitantly picking it up. "Hello." Your friends were surprised by how calm you were but you've been through this before. And what if it wasn't even him? Just another copycat?

"You seem happy to hear from me, (Y/N)."

"Fuck no, Leave my friends alone. Seriously, I was fine without you."

The deep chuckle coming from your phone means he reolly doesn't care about what you say. Not really.

"I came here for you. And I'm not going to give up. Your friends look really good to kill right now. With their insides visible."

"I hate you."

"You can keep trying to tell yourself that. But thank you, for giving me time to break in."


You turn around to see Ghostface in view, your friends screaming as they ran around the house. You follow them, protectively. "Did someone call Police? You ask, Evangeline nodded."I did." You sigh of relief,  making sure your friends would be just fine.

Ghostface crept up from behind Paige. "Paige! Look out! You yell, going over and when she turns around, he stabs her right in the chest. She screams out as Ivan goes over to her.

But too late for him. As he gets stabbed too. You push him off of her, dragging Paige while Evangeline drags Ivan over away from Ghostface.

But you fall when Ghostface purposefully trips you. You groan. And when you get up, he's on top of Paige, consistently stabbing her as she pleads for help. "Get the fuck off of her! You say. But you're roughly shoved against the wall.

Soon enough, Paige stops moving, or even screaming. You cry while you see her dead body being gutted, blood spattering everywhere. Her boyfriend is hysterical, like you. Your friends run for their lives, knowing you could no longer save her. But, obviously, Ghostface is not done with your friends.

Evangeline was unfortunately the next target, you tried and tried but she was gutted and her insides splattered as well. It made you want to throw up. Ivan and Jack help you up.

"We can't just leave them there! You said. "And they're your girlfriends!" Ivan sighed. "They're just bodies now. We have to leave we can't let this lunatic get us, (Y/N)!" You couldn't even respond, you were being drugged from Ghostface. 

Of course, they were right. Your friends were in a better place now, hopefully. But then, Ghostface grabbed you by your arm, pulling you towards him.

"You're mine, and nobody, not even your friends, can take you from me."

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