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I deeply apologize for what is to come

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I deeply apologize for what is to come. Iykyk💀

YOU WERE QUITE annoyed when Mindy asked if you could meet up by school. You sat between Anika and Quinn. Listen up nerds, as terrifying as it is, I'm glad i get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the Killers last time, Mindy said. "The way I see it, they're making a sequel to the requel?"

" What's a requel? Anika said. "You're beautiful sweetie, save questions until the end, Mindy responded. You sigh. Mindy would be going on one of her rants like last time. You look over at Chad, who looks annoyed like you. Well, more annoyed.

"Do you think the Killers are trying to copy the movies? Tara asked. You pipe in, "That's possible , characters are in college." "Nobody just makes sequels anymore , we're in a franchise, bigger cast, bigger budget, bigger body count , longer chases, shoot outs, beheadings New characters brought in just to round out the suspect list or the body count, Mindy begins. "Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Tony Stark, James Bond, Luke Skywalker, they all died so their franchises could live on."

Suddenly, Ethan pipes in," Am I in the friend group?" "Yes, You replied, leaning forward. He asks, "Am I a target?" "Mhm, You replied. He finishes with," Am I going to die a virgin?" Mindy looks disgusted. "Okay, TMI, But that brings me onto the first suspect, Ethan the unsuspecting nerd.

He looks offended. You were surprised. "Ethan? No way." "Why am I a suspect? Because I 'm randomly Chad's roommate, He defended. Mindy replied,": Roommate lotteries can be duked, you could have fixed it. Now, onto Quinn, the slutty roommate, a horror movie classic."

" Sex positive but thank you, Quinn replied. " how did you come to be roommates? Mindy asked her. She responds, "I answered their ad." Mindy replied more dramatically," Stop right there, you've already implemented yourself!"

Tara sighed. "We posted an anonymous ad, you know we vetted her. plus her Dad's a cop." ": The perfect cover, don't you watch these movies! Mindy said, before adding, "My beloved." She blew kisses to Anika before her expression dropped." never trust the love interest."

"What about you? Ethan asked. Mindy quickly has an answer. "I think the five of us are safe having gone through this last year." "Agreed, Chad spoke up. He did a few times, before though. You assumed Quinn became defensive from being accused because she said, "Not agreed, maybe the trauma sent you over the edge."

"Or the fame made you thirsty for me , the stuff about Sam online, Ethan begins. You hiss, "Shut the fuck up, Ethan." He wen quiet really quick.


"I think he loves you, Mindy teased. You drank your beer. "No, we're simply close friends. I'm sure he likes Tara." "I kind of hope you get drunk, seeing as you spill everyfhing when you're not sober, Mindy joked.

You roll your eyes."I was lucky I didn't confess when i was drunk at that party." Your phone rings, you see your Mom, gale is calling you. You sigh, dismissing yourself so you could pick up,"Hey Mom, what's up?"

"i felt like i should've checked up on you. Considering earlier. I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"hey mom, no problem, i mean, you were doing your job, You replied. "Look, I'm kind of busy, could we speak later?"

"of course honey, i have work to do. love you."

"love you too."

"Who were you speaking with? Mindy said, suggestively. You lough."Shut up, My Mom. Ethan is busy with econ, remember?" "Mhm, She said, not believing his story. You believed him with no hesitation. But should you have questioned him? You reconsidered your decision.

Him being quickly defensive seemed off of course, but Mindy was being a bit overboard. You follow Mindy nearby, hearing Chad say,"We're the core five." You lugh."Uh, did you give our group a nickname? well, those who survived last year."

"I sure did, Chad says proudly. You chuckle, you kind of liked it. Sounded badass. "And we've been through a lot, it's kind of cool, He said.

"Debatable, Mindy said. "Just shut up and drink, Mindy! You joke, grabbing a second beer. You felt like drinking tonight. Though probably not as drunk as you were the other night.

Mindy and Chad bickered like the typical sibling conversations almost every sibling had. You didn't obviously understand but it was funny to see. You look over to see Sam.

"Tara, you should talk to her, You say. "You probably would understand her better than anyone else." Tara nodded, but you knew she was going to anyways. "Second one or sixth? Mindy joked.  Anika was close by. You replied, "Very funny. I'm on my second one. I promise, I won't fuck myself up tonight."

"Good, I'm not handling your drunken honesty, Anika pipes in. You simply laugh, because she wasn't wrong. Suddenly you hear some noises from Quinn's room.

You assumed that she was fucking someone as normal. So you didn't question it and now were used to it. But still, it seemed weird. You had an odd feeling.

"You okay? Anika asks, standing close by. "Yeah, I'm okay, you say."uh, you know what..." you were interrupted by a phone call."I should take this I guess."

"Alright, (Y/N)."

You pick up, not even looking at the ID."Hello?"

"Hello, gorgeous."

"You missed me?"

"I sure did."

You sigh, hoping you wouldn't lose your temper. "What do you want? Why did you call?"

"I want you. and for your second question, i'm giving your friends a visit."

You grip your phone, Quinn! "No... Please, You begged. 

"god, i love hearing you beg. you should save your begging for something else."

You didn't want to cry, But you did. "What's wrong? Sam asked, coming over, everyone hearing Quinn scream. "Quinn! Sam says, everyone rushing in her room. well, you dived in. You scream, disgusted by the blood, Quinn's dead body on her bed. Killed while on the phone because her phone was right there.

Ghostface was here. Ready to kill not only you, but your friends as well. 

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