Episode : 10

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I walked inside the office building with the cup of Americano in my hand. It's been 3 weeks since everything happened between us, from that day we become completely Stranger. I know we are not meant to be together, Walking towards the elevator I saw a familiar face coming towards me.

"Good Morning," He said and came inside I smiled, I wished him too and we catch up about stuff and all, as I reached my floor I came out from the elevator saying goodbye to him. I saw a huge crowd on my desk and walked towards them.

"What happened?" I asked and saw Jungkook sitting there doing something on my computer. "How can you do this?" Someone said and I looked towards the girl. "What happened here?" Jungkook took deep breaths and stood up.

"You send all our designs to other companies," he said and I looked at him in confusion. He gave me the screenshot and it's my I'd. "I never did that," I said, "Come to my office....Now" he said and walked inside his office.

Taking a deep breath I walk behind him, inside his office, "you know that right, this is our important project," He said and I walk closer to him. "Trust me on this, I didn't done this," I said and he laugh sarcastically.

"You want me to trust you, Lies that what you speak all the time," He said and I look at him in disbelief, how could he think like this. "You want to resign so bad that you just did an horrible thing?" He said and I shook my head.

"It's also my project, how could you say that," I said and he took out a letter from his drawer and place in front of me. "I want you to pack all the things and leave my office, Your salary will be credited in your account within a week," he said and stood up.

"I will your office, but please try to find the real culprit," I said, He look away and walk out. You don't trust me nor you ever did. I took the letter from the table and walk towards my desk. Placing everything inside a box I pack my things.

I saw him standing there, talking with other trying to solve the problem. I quietly walk away from him with the things in my hand. I walked a little when I saw someone very familiar walking towards me.

"Where are you going?" He said and I walk behind, he look at me in confusion and try to talk with me but I just walk ahead him. "Sun Bin," he said and hold my arm making me turn.

"You can't leave from here," He said and Jungkook walked towards them, "What are you doing here?" He asked and the latter turn around just to find his boss. He let go my hand, "there is no proof that she did that," He said and Jungkook loo towards me. "Okay... But how will you proof this?" He asked. "She was with me all the time last night," He said and Jungkook looked towards me.

"Alright, Who is she to you?" Jungkook asked with his low voice. "She is my Girlfriend, The girl I like to introduce you," He said and hold my waist pulling me towards him, it took me in shock. Girlfriend... What the hell.

"Girlfriend?" He asked and smirk. "Are you saying she is your girlfriend," He cutely nodded his head and look towards me. "Hyung, She was with me all the time, I can sure you about that, we didn't sleep last night .... Right honey," He said and Jungkook look towards me.

I nodded my head and Jungkook clutch his hand in fist and look towards me. "So you are dating her," He asked looking towards me as if he asking me. Junghyung nodded his head and smile.

"If she doesn't did that it means there is someone else who use her I'd, we need to find her," Junghyung said and Jungkook eyes fixed on me as if he ready to kill me. "Even if she was not the one I am still going to fired her because she let other use with hers," He said and Junghyung shook his head.

"You ca fire her but she will work for me, I already talked with father about this," He said and Jungkook look at him in anger. "You can't," "Sorry Hyung, But she will," He said and pull me with him towards his cabin, when I reached there I gently push his hand.

"First you didn't tell me he is your brother, second you lied to him about us," I said an he turn around. "I didn't lie, you are my friend and You are a girl, and about not sleeping, girl we were watching Netflix all night, do you really really think I lied to him," He asked.

"Leave this talk, first we need to find the real culprit of this problem."


"You can not become a father, Jeon," She said and he look at her in disbelief. "No other woman of your is pregnant, Even I, how come she become pregnant and give birth to your child, and remember when doctor check us, they always told you that we are perfect to conceive," She said and King Jeon look towards the baby in his hand.

"I will go to him and check myself," He said and give the baby to the maid and went out. The Queen smirk and walk towards his chamber. "Ask Dr. Lee to meet me," She said and laugh.

"Now I build the wall which is unbreakable between them," the Dr. Lee walk inside and kneel down. "Long live Queen," He said and Queen smiled before giving him plenty of coins made of gold, "You did great, You made King unfertile," She said and he bowed again.

"If I can't become a mother of the hier then I will not let any other women becoming it," She mumble and smile. "Is there any way that he will able to find if she is his daughter or not," She asked and he shook his head. "There is no way," She laugh hearing it.

"I just hope he will throw her out from the kingdom."


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