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"Our life will be bonded together, we will reincarnate together, we will live together, even I can't marry you in this life, but I will marry you in my every other life," he said and hold her hand, he take out red and blue strings and wraps red string in her wrist. She is sitting there smiling at the promise he made to her.

"I promise to be your shield, I will be your lover, my heart belongs to you forever, no other man take that heart in any of my life," She said and kiss his hand after wrapping the blue string in his hand.

"This string is the evidence of our promise," He said and kiss her head. They made a promise, a promise meant to break.

"You cheated me, You are my enemy side," He said and push her. She fell to the floor and look at him. "You never trusted me right," She said and the tear fall from her eyes. "What are you doing at 2 PM in his room?" She stood up and look at him. "Yes, I cheated on you," She said and turn around. The tears fell from her eyes while him standing there. "So this baby is not mine,"

"Come to your sense Jungkook, you are ruining your empire, Leave your emotion back and do your work," She said and Jungkook look up. He caresses her face. "You are right, She is cheating on me and having affair, and I am telling her everything, she is the spy.....".

"I am not your lover, I will break our every promise, I will break out bond, I am King Jeon Jungkook, breaking my every promise to her," he said and break the string, she look up toward him and look blankly towards the string on the floor.

"The relationship between us is finished, you no longer are something for me, I break my bond with you," He said and she takes a step back, "if it's what you want then whether you kill me or I kill you," She said and smirk and take out a knife from her bun and point on him before staying in his heart........

"You killed me in my past life, I will kill you in my this life you betrayer," He said and she smile before walking closer. "That's why I am born,"

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