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Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men


Felix's leg bounces up and down as he looks at the house. He has been parked in front of it for the last five minutes, but he can't bring himself to get out of his car. He can't go inside.

He just sighs.

Is he being silly?

No, he doesn't think so. He thinks he has every right to be afraid of going home. He has every right to be mad and he has every right to not show up. He doesn't even want to be here.

He reaches to turn the car back on, to leave, but he stops. He can't go.

He has every right to be mad, but he has no right to ignore his family for this long. Especially not his brother nor his mother. She also texted him and asked to see him. He should at least let them know he's okay.

He sighs. He opens his car door and steps out of his car, closing it. He takes a deep breath before he begins walking to the front door. He wonders if he is going to have to knock to get inside his house, if the door is going to be locked.

He steps up in the porch and goes to open the door, and to his surprise it's unlocked. They must really be waiting for him inside then. He opens the door fully before he steps inside.

He looks around the home cautiously, and sees his mom and brother sitting at the counter. He lets out a sigh. They turn to look at him, and his mom gives him a half smile before she stands.

He slides off his shoes and begins to walk over, and he ends up meeting his mom halfway. She engulfs him in a tight hug, rubbing his back as she whisperers.

"I'm so sorry." She says.

Felix frowns. The overwhelming emotions are coming back and he has to hold back the tears that beg to flow. He holds her tighter and rests his head in her neck.

She pulls away, offering him a smile. "Are you okay?" She asks, checking over his body. "Did you have somewhere to sleep last night? Did you eat anything?"

He nods his head, answering all her questions. He can't look at her without tearing up. He steps back and tries to walk away, but a hand holds him back. He turns around and meets his brothers eyes.

He can't hold back the tears any longer. The look in Chan's eyes only makes him want to cry. He steps forward and hugs his brother.

Chan holds Felix to him. "I'm so sorry, Felix." He says. "I try my best to protect you and I'm sorry I couldn't last night. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry you felt like you had to leave home." He says.

Felix shakes his head. "No, no." He says, pulling away. "Please don't apologize. You, both of you, did nothing wrong. I just.. didn't want to be home with him."

"That's totally understandable." His mom speaks up, taking his hand to lead him. The three of them sit down at the counter again, and she offers him a supportive smile.

"I wouldn't want to be home either." She says. "Your fathers... not the best person when it comes to confronting things."

Felix nods. "Yeah." He says. He looks up to her. "Did he.. say anything to you guys?"

His mom sucks in a breath, looking over to Chan. "I talked to him. We did, actually." She says. She looks back to Felix. "And he was upset, but I don't think it was you're sexuality he was upset about."

Felix furrows his brows, sniffling. "What do you mean?"

Chan speaks up. "He told us last night that he didn't care at all. He doesn't mind at all what you are and he's totally okay with you liking a boy, it's just the fact that he didn't know."

"Yeah." His mom nods. "He found out through somebody else that his son was gay. He didn't take it lightly and was even more mad when he found out we knew as well."

"So he.." Felix starts. "He isn't mad that I like a boy? He accepts it?"

"I do." A voice sounds.

Felix flinches. He slowly looks over to the hall, seeing his father stepping into the room. His father gives him a small smile.

"I do accept you." He says. "You're my son, I always will no matter what you do. I just didn't like the fact that I was the only person who didn't know." He sighs.

He leans on the door frame. "And I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't accept you. I had a long day and hearing that only topped that off, but that isn't an excuse to treat you how I did."

"Dad." Felix says softly.

"Felix," His dad says, stepping closer and cupping Felix's face. "I love you no matter what. Nothing about you and nothing you chose to do can ever change that— I want you to know. So I'm sorry that I made you feel like you weren't welcome, because that wasn't my intention at all. I'm so sorry."

Felix tears up. "Dad." His voice cracks, as tears fall down his cheek. He stands up and engulfs his dad in the tightest hug, crying into his chest.

He might not fully forgive him for how he reacted yet, but he understands why he acted the way he did. He feels bad that he didn't tell his father, and feels worse that he had to find out this way.

"I'll try my best to support you and talk to you better." He says. "I didn't handle this the right way and it ruined things. I will forever regret that and I will always feel bad."

"Thank you." Felix says.

"You don't need to thank me." He says, pulling away from Felix. He gives him a smile. "I'm your dad, I'm supposed to be here and do these things."

Felix smiles.

He can't even explain what this means to him. This whole time, for years, he was so worried about what his father would think of him. Only to find out that his father doesn't even mind, and it matters more to him that Felix didn't tell him.

It was all just a big misunderstanding, in a way.

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