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Now playing:
Malibu by THE DRIVER ERA, Ross Lynch, Rocky


Felix grabs the books out of his locker. He's done. He is finally done. He empties out his entire locker, just like everybody else, into a little plastic bag and closes it afterwards.

He's planning on just throwing away the bag. He doesn't need anything in it, so what's the point of keeping it.

"Feeellliiiixxx." He hears Seungmin drag out. He smiles, turning around to face his excited friend who is walking towards him.

"It's summer." Felix smiles, happy to hear the words come out of his mouth. "It's finally summer and we can do whatever we want!"

Seungmin nods. He interlocks their arms as they walk to the front of the school. "And prom is in two and a half hours." Seungmin says excitedly. "Then after that we can have our sleepover like we always do."

"I'm so excited." Felix says, opening the door for them. "Are the boys waiting for us?" He asks.

Seungmin nods. "I think they said to meet them with you by your car." He says.

Felix turns to him. "You didn't take yours today?"

Seungmin shakes his head. He starts to smile. "Jeongin came over this morning and asked to walk me to school, like he did when we first started to like each other."

Felix smiles. "Aww, I remember that time." He says, remembering all the times they'd show up together, with huge smiles on their faces. "That's when we first caught on."

Seungmin giggles.

Felix just keeps smiling as they approach his car, seeing the other two boys leaning against it. Jisung noticed them and stands up straight with a smile, waving. He uses his other hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." Felix says back, pulling out his car keys. "You guys ready to go?"

Jeongin nods eagerly. Seungmin giggles at his boyfriend. "Somebody is excited for prom." He says, wrapping an arm around Jeongin. The younger only smiles.

"Shut up and get in the car." Jisung rolls his eyes, opening the passanger door. He looks to Felix, who gets in the driver side. "I hate when mom and dad show each other affection."

Felix giggles.


Felix unlocks the front door, and the four Juniors come piling in the house. They decided, like always, to get ready at Felix's house. It's just the perfect hang out and get ready spot.

Felix drops his school bag by the stairs, smiling. "I don't have to bring out that bag again for the next three months." He says. "I'm so ready to shove it in my closet."

Jisung giggles. "You're so right."

Chan comes walking into the living room, after hearing his brother arrive home. "Felix?" He calls.

"Huh?" Felix turns around, looking to Chan.

Chan looks at him. "Are you going to be getting ready here?" He asks. He looks around the room, seeing all his younger brothers friends and the bags. He chuckles. "I guess I shouldn't have even asked."

Felix smiles, looking around the room. "Why though?" He ask, looking back up at him.

"My friends are on their way right now," He says, walking into the kitchen. "And I didn't want them to get in your way so I just wanted to know if I should keep them in the other room."

"Oh, alright." Felix says. "You know where mom is?"

Chan turns back to him. "She's at aunt Kim's place. She said she wanted to let us have the house to ourselves for a bit, since we always have sleepovers. And dads still away."

"Alright." Felix hums. He turns back to his friends, who are doing their own thing. He tilts his head, "You guys wanna get ready upstairs?"

They nod, so Felix turns back to Chan. "Alright, I guess you don't have to keep your friends hidden away."

Chan chuckles. "I guess not."

"When are they getting here?" Jisung suddenly asks, considering his date is one of the said friends.

Chan smiles at him. "Minho will be here any minute, and Hyunjin had to go pick up the other one." He says. "So he's probably going to be a couple minutes later."

Jisung nods. "Alright."

Jeongin turns to Felix. "Should we head upstairs then?" He asks.

Felix looks to the clock on the wall, then back to Jeongin. "Sure. We only have an hour or two left anyway." He says, picking up his back to bring it up with him.

"I'll try and keep Minho away for you." Chan calls out to Jisung, who yells back a thank you.

He smiles.

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