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Now playing:
Florida Kilos by Lana Del Rey


"Is this it?" Felix asks, pulling up to the sidewalk.

It's a beach party. There is a fire out by the water, and a bunch of people gathered around, probably drinking and gossiping. Felix slows down and parks the car, leaning back in his seat.

"Oh, that's good." Seungmin says, looking out the window. "We aren't the only ones dressed up for the party."

"Yeah and they wore pink." Felix says, sulking.

Jisung just giggles. "Stop whining and let's go." He says, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I've been needing a good party. I need to be rejuvenated." He giggles, causing the rest of the boys to laugh.

They unbuckle their seatbelts as well, climbing out of Felix's SUV. They fix their outfits before walking down to the beach all together, giggling at how silly they must look.

"Ey, you made it." A girl calls out to them, running over.

Jeongin smiles. "Like always."

She chuckles. "I don't even know why I doubted you." She says, giving him a look. She turns to the rest of the boys, holding out an arm. "Shall we?"

Felix steps forward and takes it, a smile on his face. She smiles, and leads all the boys to the main part of the party. There is alcohol, which is most likely illegal, but not as illegal as the weed the hippies are smoking.

"So there's drinks over there," She points to a table with bottles and cups. She turns back to the boys. "Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic." She whispers, "And then over there are some games and stupid shit their playing."

"Are they playing volleyball?" Seungmin asks.

She turns back to him and nods. She gives him a cheeky smile. "Wanna go join?"

He nods, and the two run off. Seungmin turns around while running, "You guys coming with?" He yells.

Jisung gives Felix a look, and Felix motions for him to go. He smiles, saying bye to Jeongin before running off to chase after an eager Seungmin. It is nice for Felix to see the boys having fun.

He sighs, turning to Jeongin. "I guess it's just you and me now."

Jeongin makes a face. "Yuck, you sound cringey."

Felix scoffs. "Then go play volleyball with your little boyfriend." He says, beginning to walk away.

Jeongin giggles and chases after Felix. He interlocks their arms, "I didn't mean it like that. I love you being cringy and silly." He says. "Plus I'd rather not. If I miss the ball, Seungmin gets all upset."

Felix chuckles. "Oh god."

Jeongin just smiles. "I still love him though."

"I would hope so." Felix says.

Felix picks up a red plastic cup, pouring some of the weird smelling punch into it. He lifts it up to his nose and sniffs it, making a disgusted face. "Ew, smell this." He says, shoving it in Jeongin's face.

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