"Not really, but I'd like to know why."

"It's not that complicated," Hiyori shook her head in amusement. "Like I said to you before, no one else in my class shares the same interest in books as me. I had no one to talk to about the things I like the most until I met you, Ayanokouji-kun."

"That almost sounded like a confession," he said in his thoughts as he stared at his companion.

The young man couldn't say anything at first because he was still trying to process what she said in his mind, but was eventually able to come up with a response.

"I feel honored that you treat someone like me as a friend over your classmates in your own class. In fact, I'm now sure that you talk to me a lot more than your classmates even though this is only the second time we've met."

Having a hunch that she did something wrong, Shiina immediately turned to him with a look of worry, while unconsciously hugging her chosen books closer to her chest.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you with my personality? I know that I can get carried away when I'm excited like this..."

"No, and don't apologize for it. Like I said, it only shows that you're passionate about your interests and that's not a bad thing at all."

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun."

In a move that made Kiyotaka's eyes widen in total surprise, Hiyori leaned her body slightly against him, while letting her head rest against his arm. She didn't say anything about her current position and continued to walk with him as if nothing was wrong, but it was different for the young man beside her.

"Shiina is... certainly forward with her actions," Kiyotaka said in his thoughts as he could only stare at this girl in wonder.

He wondered if she was like this because he was her friend.


The two students spent the next two hours reading in peace at their table, with no one else around. Sometimes, they would break the silence to ask the other person a question about the book they're reading at that particular moment, and they would comply right away.

In other words, the atmosphere between them was quiet and comfortable for the two of them. It honestly felt like only the two of them were present in the library right now, which wasn't a bad thing at all.

This time, though, Hiyori would ask her companion something that would leave him puzzled and confused because of the nature of the question itself.

"Do you believe in fate, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka looked at the girl beside him as she asked that question, completely unable to take his eyes off her while she donned a curious expression on her face.

"What's this question about?" he couldn't help but ask himself in his thoughts, wondering what's the purpose of such a question.

This question can't be related to the books that Hiyori was reading, right? He knew all of the books that she was currently reading right now and there were none of them that involved the term 'fate'.

If so, then this must be a random question that she just thought of. There's no other way to explain it!

Eventually, Kiyotaka realized that he needed to answer his companion before she could get mad at him because he was taking too long, so he quickly came up with a quick and rational response to her question.

"No, but the concept of it does intrigue me. What about you?" he asked, throwing the question back at Hiyori.

Hiyori only smiled. "Logically speaking, there is no such thing as fate. I believe that we are the instrument of our own paths in life through our decisions. However, as someone who prefers the endless freedom of creativity in books, I want to believe in things like fate and destiny."

The Angel from Another Class is Rotten, but I'm Interested in HerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz