Chapter 11

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TWs: violence, death. Stay safe my loves <3


' ¤ ▪︎ ° • ☆ • ° ▪︎ ¤ '

"So, who's bait?" Joel asked. They went with the second option to lead X away from the city and attack him in the forest. Joel paused when everyone stared at him. "What are you looking at me like that?"

Spectrum giggled. "You're the bait," he said, to which Joel rolled his eyes. "You have to convince X that you know where Parakeet is, and then lead him out into the forest as far as you can. We'll put a tracking device on you so we can follow closely behind."

"Fantastic," Joel grumbled. "What about the other villains? Are you letting them go to help us?"

The heroes all looked at each other. Joel expected Spectrum to say something, but he didn't.

"They're in detainment at the moment," Aphelion said.

"They still have their powers, right?" Joel asked nervously, standing up. "You didn't-"

"I have them," Spectrum said. "Well, some of them, at least. I have Blaze's, Imp's, Catalyst's, Golem's, and Glare's. And yours, of course."

Joel nodded slowly. "What about the others'?"

Spectrum sighed. "The others were executed," he mumbled, looking away.


"They did really bad things, Joel," Tectus said. "They killed hundreds upon hundreds of people and stole billions worth of money. Though, Parakeet did the worst, but we can't really kill an innocent child-"

"And why not?" Joel demanded, scoffing. "You've killed innocent people in the past."

Tectus glared at him. "That was Evil X convincing X to kill those people," he said.

Joel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, because destroying buildings and property doesn't kill innocent people."

"And you've never leveled a building?"

"I literally have never done that!"

"Alright, alright," Aphelion said, lifting his hands placatingly. "Can you two shut up? This isn't the time for arguing."

Joel crossed his arms and looked away. "Whatever."

' ¤ ▪︎ ° • ☆ • ° ▪︎ ¤ '

"Heyyyy, X," Joel said semi-casually as slowly approached the hero. "I, uh-"

"What do you want," X demanded, practically hyperventilating. He seemed to really be struggling with his evil counterpart.

Joel paused. "Um... I know where Parakeet is," he said awkwardly.

X's eyes widened and there was a look of bloodlust in his eyes. "You do?"

"Yeah, man," Joel said. He was still being cautious since Aphelion told him that X was unstable. There were to be no chances taken. "I can take you to them."

X narrowed his eyes at Joel. "You'd give them up... just like that?" he questioned. "No strings attached?"

Joel laughed. "Please, if they let me get caught, you better believe I'll be getting them caught, too," he said, which wasn't a lie. If Parakeet turned him in, he'd to the same to them.

"That's... fair, I guess," X murmured, then he straightened his posture. "Take me to them."

"Oh- Now? Okay..."

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