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Lee Heeseung glanced down at Yurin, who was playing with his finger like little kid and glanced back at the sky. Currently they were on another lake date, like Yurin wanted and Heeseung being a sweet boyfriend took her out on a date.

"What do you think about our love story? Is it typical or special? " Yurin asks and played with his fingers since it were wrapped around her neck.

"From my point of view?" He drawls questioning her while pointing his finger at himself.  She hummed and suddenly kissed his other hand and chuckled seeing his flustered face.  He swallowed the dry lump in his throat and coughed before answering since he was flustered.

"It's special cause to me it's not like  any typical cliche love story. Right?"He answers, lightly pecking her lips to tease just like she did. She chuckled and pulled him in for a passionate kiss instead of having flustered face like he excepted.

Pulling her back from the kiss, Heeseung leaned his forehead on hers and mumbles the magic words, "I love you Yurin." she leans in closer brushing her nose tip on his and mumbles backs those words,  "I love you more Heeseung."

𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋; HeeseungDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora