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Nam Yurin happily giggled and touched her lips, she had got her first kiss. By non other than her first love, Lee Heeseung. She happily skipped through the hallway as stooped when she was a dark silhouette near her dorm. She gulped and walked closer to see sora. She furrowed her eyebrows to see her there. Sora left them there without telling them that she was leaving. Heeseung tried to call her but she didn't replied to him.

"What are you doing here sora?" Sora walked closer to her and grabbed her hand. "He likes to touch your hand. Doesn't he?" Yurin gulped seeing her harshly grab her hand. Yurin groaned and tried to release her hand.

"He likes to ruffle your hair." Sora says and release her hand to grab her hair and grips on it. Sora giggles seeing Yurin struggle. "I love seeing you suffer." She says and tightens her grip.

"W-what do you want?" She stuttered as tears rolled down her cheek. "leave Heeseung." Sora simply says.

"Why?" Yurin questions her and tries to release sora's grip over her hair. It was hurting her.

"just do as I told you to. School is ending in few days too." She says, releasing her grip over hair and slaps her constantly till she is satisfied.

"I won't. I don't want to." Yurin reply being stubborn as sora twinches her lips mumbling few curse words and then punches her in anger. Sora kneels down in front of her clapsing her hands together as she begs her.

"I have liked him my whole life. Please leave him. I am begging." Yurin furrows her eyebrows and gulps. Sora gets up wiping her tears and walks away.

"Lee Heeseung what am I suppose to do?" She mumbles, slowly getting up as she weakly walks to her dorm door.

𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋; HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now