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Jungkook pushed around his food with his fork, appetite long gone.

"I thought you were hungry."

Jungkook looked up at Jimin, and a wave of guilt washed over him. He wasn't sure why but he felt tears prick his eyes and he quickly looked away but he knew Jimin had seen it.

Jimin stood from his seat and rushed to Jungkook's side, engulfing the younger in a hug.

"What's wrong, baby? What's hurting you?"

Jungkook cursed himself when he felt tears slide down his eyes. He didn't mean to cry.

"Nothing," he whispered.

"Not very convincing, you know," Jimin teased lightly as he slid into Jungkook's lap, hands coming up to cup Jungkook's cheeks and thumb away his tears.

Jungkook chuckled and a few more tears escaped him. Jimin was patient though.

"It's stupid really."

"Doesn't seem like it if it drives you to tears."

"I saw your scene rehearsal," Jungkook started, feeling a lump in his throat.

And somehow Jimin seemed to understand but he didn't interrupt. He only nodded to indicate that he was listening.

"The kiss," Jungkook continued, "You acted well. I'm not saying you didn't or anything and I—"

Jungkook paused, feeling fresh tears well up in his eyes. Jimin brushed his cheek gently and urged him to continue.

"Why me?" Jungkook whispered, "you come across so many celebrities in this industry. I'm a nobody."

Jimin frowned, "you're not a nobody."

"I'm just a painter. I'm no celebrity. I'm no star. Your fans never appreciated us together either and let's be honest, there are people way smarter, prettier, and—" his voice trailed off and he took a breath to gain control, "what if someday you'll realise that too? What if you replace me? When I saw you today? You and her. She was so... beautiful and both of you together were like a power couple."

Jimin leaned down and pressed his lips against Jungkook's.

"I've shared a kiss with many actors and actresses in this industry, but a kiss only feels special when it's with you. I kiss them because it's my job, because it's all part of a script. I kiss you because I long for you, because I want you and my heart seeks you as do my lips. It's not part of a script. It's not pretend. It's real. And that is what makes it special, baby."

Jimin brushed Jungkook's hair and pecked his lips again.

"I meet so many people in this industry but none of them can compare to you, Jeon Jungkook. My heart fell for you and everything you had to offer. I don't care what my fans have to say, I only listen to my heart. You reside in it. You take up a special place there. The love of my life, the man I wish to grow old with— that's you. You can't be replaced. There's no other Jeon Jungkook in this world, none like you."

Another kiss. More tears.

"If anything, I only realise how lucky I am to have you. How lucky I was to meet you at the art exhibition. You're so precious to me baby and I'll always cherish you. I'll always love you and with every passing day, I find my love growing stronger, I find more reasons to fall deeper in love with you."

Jungkook sniffled, "don't say cheesy things like that."

"It's the truth, baby. And I don't need a script for this. I don't want one either, baby."

Jungkook kissed his lips softly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'd feel the exact same if I witnessed something like you did."

Jimin wiped away the stray tears that lingered on the other's cheeks and leaned down to peck his lips.

"Somedays I just need a little reassurance," Jungkook mumbled.

"And I'm more than willing to give it to you, baby. Whenever you need it, I'm here."

Jungkook smiled against Jimin's lips. That was all he needed.

The end!

Somedays I need reassurance | Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now