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Dating a movie star can be really challenging, especially when you're no celebrity and just another ordinary civilian. That's what Jungkook would say.

It seems like there's always competition, staring down at you like prey, like a foe, and waiting for a chance to overthrow you. In three years, Jungkook's life took a complete u-turn. He met Jimin at an art exhibition, where the elder was first entranced by his paintings and later, captivated by the beauty of the painter himself.

Jimin had bought a few paintings from the exhibition and had even requested for Jungkook's contact with an assigned task of a personalized painting. That was the beginning of their love story.

Jungkook, at the time, hadn't known how huge of a star Jimin was. His first date with Jimin had an entire restaurant reserved for just the two of them, and Jungkook swore his jaw dropped.

Of course, dating a celebrity brought about its own consequences.

When pictures of them leaked out, some of Jimin's fans weren't happy and they made sure to let Jungkook know about it. It was the first time Jungkook received hate mail and it totally shook him up. Jimin had been there that day, holding Jungkook close to himself as the younger cried over their harsh words.

Jimin had then taken to twitter to confirm their suspicions and made their relationship official.

That night, Jimin had offered Jungkook a place in his apartment for security sake and the younger male even had a bodyguard of his own. He still isn't used to walking around with a man in black following him. He isn't sure how many times he's scared himself thinking there's someone after him only for realisation to strike that it's just the bodyguard.

See what Jungkook means by a complete u-turn?

Somedays I need reassurance | Jikook [✓]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ