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Internally, Rudra chuckled at Pihu's shocked expression, thinking, "My love, you better get used to this, because soon all these luxuries will be yours. I know how hard you're working to achieve them. But don't worry, love, all you need to do is command me, and I'll give you anything. Soon, you'll be ruling the world with me."

They arrived near the car, and as Rudra opened the car door for Pihu, she hesitantly entered and took her seat. Rudra joined her, but Pihu made sure to keep a significant distance between them, sticking close to the car door. Veer occupied the front passenger seat, and they began their journey towards their destination.

An eerie silence filled the car, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Pihu's mind was filled with prayers and thoughts. "Please, God, what have I done to deserve this? I hope this ride ends soon, and our paths never cross again."

Meanwhile, Rudra keenly observed Pihu's every movement, her attempts to make herself invisible. He refrained from commenting, not wanting to further scare her. Deep down, though, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of desire and protectiveness towards her. He longed to hold her close, to shower her with love and protect her from the world's darkness. He reassured himself, "Don't worry, my love. Just a few more days, and you'll be mine. I'll treat you like a queen."

Suddenly, Rudra's attention was drawn to something, prompting him to abruptly command, "Stop the car." The driver complied, bringing the car to a halt at the side of the road. Veer turned towards Rudra, questioning why they had stopped in the market area. Pihu, unable to comprehend Rudra's thoughts, looked at him curiously, but remained silent.

Rudra approached Veer, whispering something to him. Veer exited the car and made his way towards the market area. Pihu watched the unfolding events with curiosity but didn't know how to respond, so she quietly sat there.

After 15 minutes had passed, Pihu's impatience grew. She was about to ask if she could go on her own when suddenly, Veer returned with a small cake box in his hand. He handed it to Rudra, saying, "Rudra, here."

Rudra nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the cake box from Veer. The car resumed its journey towards Pihu's house. Rudra turned his head towards Pihu, extending the box to her. Surprised by his gesture, Pihu was about to decline, but Rudra interrupted her, saying, "Take it as a thank-you gift." Not wanting to argue with Rudra after her failed attempts before, Pihu accepted the box silently. Exhausted from the day's events, all she wanted was to reach home and sleep in her comfortable bed.

Rudra, on the other hand, felt pleased that Pihu accepted his gift without resistance. He anticipated her joy upon opening the box, knowing her favorite black forest cake awaited her inside. His lips twitched upward slightly, but more importantly, a sense of peace washed over him in the presence of his beloved. 

As the car glided through the city streets, the atmosphere remained tense and silent. Pihu's mind was consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts, contemplating her situation and the enigmatic man sitting beside her. She couldn't help but steal glances at Rudra, whose piercing gaze seemed to hold a depth of emotions she couldn't decipher.

Rudra knows that her love is stealing glance of him with many question in her mind but doesn't said anything. As they neared Pihu's apartment, her anxiety surged, fueled by the fear of Shivani discovering their encounter. In a barely audible voice, she called Rudra and spoke softly, "Mr. Rathore, please drop me off at near the society gate."

Rudra's instinct was to deny her request, but instead, he responded in a cold and distant voice, "Okay." Pihu couldn't help but notice the sudden change in his demeanor, leaving her puzzled and unsure of what had caused such a shift. However, knowing that she wouldn't be seeing him again, she chose not to dwell on it.

As the car came to a halt near the society gate, Pihu prepared to step out. She turned towards Rudra, her voice filled with a sense of formality, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Rathore." It was a gesture of courtesy, a way to acknowledge the power he held over her and the warning he had given her earlier.

Rudra nodded briefly, his face betraying a mixture of emotions that Pihu couldn't quite decipher. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of regret or longing, but it was quickly masked by his usual composed expression. "You're welcome, Miss Gupta," he replied in a restrained tone.

With that, Pihu stepped out of the car, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. As she watched Rudra drive away, a sense of relief washed over her. She was grateful to be free from his intimidating presence, yet a part of her couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic man who had stirred such a tumultuous storm within her.

Little did she know that Rudra's thoughts lingered on her, his desire to claim her grew stronger with each passing day, and he planned meticulously for the day when he could finally make her his. But for now, he had to bide his time, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal his true intentions.

To be continued...............

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