Chapter 11 - Boyfriend

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Michael's POV
"I gotta marry her, Morgan. Ever since Emerson was born, I've wanted to marry her more than anything." I say, taking a sip from my can of beer.

It's been two weeks since little Emerson was born and the Wallens invited us over for lunch. Right now, Morgan and I are out on the back porch watching Cassidy and Memphis play with Indigo and talk about girl stuff.

They're far enough away that I can talk about this without them hearing what I have to say.

"Well then go buy her a ring. No one's stoppin' ya," Morgan says with a shrug.

"That's true. Could you and Memphis come with me when I buy her a ring?" I ask.

"Sure buddy. We can go with you if you want," Morgan says. I smile.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it,"

"Of course, buddy. Anything for my best friend," Morgan says, patting my shoulder.


The next day, Morgan, Memphis, and I all go to the jewelry store to find the perfect engagement ring.

It doesn't take me long for the the perfect ring to catch my eye. It's a simple yet beautiful ring and it has Cassidy written all over it.

"What do you think?" I ask, showing Memphis and Morgan the ring I found. Memphis smiles.

"Aww. It's perfect. I would ask Cassidy's best friend Grace first though. Grace probably knows Cassidy more than we do," she explains. I nod.

"You're right, Memphis. I'm gonna do that,"

I take a picture of the ring and send it to Grace, asking her if Cassidy would like it. Cassidy texts me back immediately, saying that it looks perfect. I then text Grace back, telling her to not tell Cassidy anything.

I buy the ring and put the ring box in my jeans pocket.

When I get home, Cassidy's still out grocery shopping so I FaceTime her parents to ask them for permission to propose to their daughter.

"Hi Michael," Mrs. Allen says, her and Mr. Allen both waving to me.

"Hi Mrs. Allen," I say with a smile.

"Why are you callin' us in the middle of the day, sweetheart?" Mrs. Allen asks.

"Well, I would like to ask you for permission so I can take your daughter's hand in marriage." I say. Cassidy's parents look super excited when I say it.

"Oh my gosh. Michael, we couldn't be more happy to hear that you want to marry our baby girl." Mrs. Allen says excitedly. Mr. Allen sighs.

"Do you promise to love and cherish my little girl forever?" He asks. I nod.

"I promise, sir. I will never stop loving her and I will love our little baby girl just as much," I say. Cassidy's parents smile.

"This is excitin'. I'm getting a grand baby and a son-in-law," Mrs. Allen says.

"Just remember to treat her like a princess, Michael." Mr. Allen adds. I nod.

"Will do, sir."

"Well, we'll see you later, sweetheart. Send us pictures of the engagement, okay?" Mrs. Allen says.

"Okay. I'll do that for ya," I reply.

"Good. Bye Michael,"

Cassidy's parents hang up and Cassidy walks in just as I'm putting my phone down on the counter.

"Hey Michael. Whatcha doin'?"

"Nothing much. Here. Let me help you with the groceries," I offer, taking some of the bags from Cassidy's hands.

"Aww. Thanks babe," Cassidy says with a smile, kissing me on the cheek.

I go outside to grab more groceries and find a bag from Bass Pro Shop. I grab the bag and walk inside the house. I hold it up in front of Cassidy and frown.

"Baby, why'd you go to Bass Pro Shop without me?" I ask, giving Cassidy a pouty face. Cassidy smiles.

"I found the cutest daddy daughter outfits there. Look at this," Cassidy says, holding up a camo onesie that says daddy's little hunting partner. "What do you think? Isn't it cute? And I got a cute pink camo baby blanket for her cradle too,"

"It's real cute. Speakin' of which, we're gonna need to build a nursery for the baby soon." I say. Cassidy nods.

"I know. You have another extra room right next your bedroom, right?"

"Yeah. I do," I say.

"Perfect. I kinda wanna wait till after the baby shower to start working on the nursery, you know?" Cassidy adds. I nod.

"Definitely. So what's for dinner tonight, baby?"

"Um... not sure yet. I've got a couple different meals planned, but I don't know which one to make tonight." Cassidy replies. I shrug.

"Well, whatever you make is okay with me." I say, kissing Cassidy on the cheek. Cassidy smiles.


Michael's POV
I plan out the perfect proposal and have Memphis and Morgan come to take pictures. They're undercover so that Cassidy doesn't know they're there which is what makes this proposal even better.

Cassidy and I are out on my little boat fishing. It ain't exactly the most glamorous proposal, but Cassidy loves fishing just as much as I do so I'm sure she will love what I have in store.

"Baby, I caught a nice bass." Cassidy says, unhooking the fish and holding it up. She drops the fish on the floor of the boat when she sees me down on one knee with the ring box in my hand.

Cassidy's POV
I can barely believe my eyes when I see the engagement ring in Michael's hands.

"Cassidy Mae Allen, will you marry me?" He asks. Tears start falling down my cheeks and I put my hands over my mouth to stifle my crying.

"Yes. I'd love to marry you, Michael Hardy." I say. Michael slips the engagement ring onto my left ring finger and I give him a big hug.

"Michael, how are we gonna be able to balance my rodeo career in Fort Worth and your music career here in Nashville?" I ask worriedly, suddenly remembering that our careers are in two different directions.

"Don't worry about that for right now," Michael replies. He kisses me on the lips, a big smile on his face. "I love you so much, Cassidy, and I know we can figure out all that together."

"I love you too, Michael, and I can't wait to start this new chapter of my life with you." I say. Michael smiles.

"Me too baby,"

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