Chapter 3 - Sold Out

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Michael's POV
I get some decent seats for the rodeo so I can get a good view of Cassidy. It's been years since I've seen Cassidy do rodeo events and I'm sure she's gotten even better since her senior year of high school.

The rodeo is amazing and Cassidy does great. Her and Grace are quite the dream team out in that ring together.

After the rodeo, I go down to the stables to see Cassidy. When I find her, I give her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Baby, you did amazing tonight." I say. Cassidy smiles.

"Aww. Thank you, Michael. That's real sweet of you to say,"

"You're welcome. Mind showin' me around? I don't know a lot about this place," I say. Cassidy shrugs.

"Sure. I can introduce you to my horse first since we're right here. Michael, meet my horse, Hardy." She says, putting her hand on the horse's nose. The horse neighs at her touch. I look over at Cassidy and frown.

"Did you name your horse after me?" I ask. Cassidy nods.

"Yep. I named him after you because I missed you so much. Plus, I love your music."

"Do you only love my music because I'm the one singin' it or do you actually like the content?" I question.

"Both?" Cassidy says. I chuckle and give her a side hug.

"That's fine with me. What's your favorite song?"

"Probably Sold Out. Me and Grace rock out to that song all the time when it plays on the radio," Cassidy replies. I smile.

"That's my girl. Lovin' both rock and country music," I say. I take Cassidy's hand and look into her brown eyes. "Cass, you wanna go out for a drink with me tonight? We can talk and catch up of things. It'll be fun,"

"I don't mind doin' that. Did you drive here?" Cassidy asks. I shake my head.

"No. I took an Uber,"

"Okay. Then we'll take my truck to the bar," Cassidy says, pulling her truck keys out of her back pocket.

"Sounds alright with me. You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever ridden in a vehicle with you behind the wheel." I say. Cassidy shrugs.

"Then I guess you'll finally get to see how good of a driver I am," she says as she walks away from me.

Cassidy's POV
On the way to the bar, Michael's song, Sold Out, starts to play on my radio. I look over at Michael and smile. Michael turns up the radio and looks over at me, telling me to sing the lyrics.

Michael mouths the words as I shout them as loud as I can. By the time the song's over, my throat sort of hurts. Michael turns the radio down a few notches as another song begins playing.

"That was really good. You got quite the set of pipes, baby." Michael says, placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing it gently. I smile.

"Thanks Michael,"


When we get to the bar, Michael and I go inside and sit down at the bar together.

The bartender walks up to us with a big smile on her face.

"Hi. What can I get y'all to drink?" She asks.

"Just a beer, please." I say. Michael nods.

"I'll have what the lady's havin',"

"You got it. I'll be right back," the bartender says, winking at Michael. I frown.

"I think that girl was flirtin' with you," I say. Michael laughs.

So Close || Michael HardyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin