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Cassidy's POV
"You shoulda seen the buck I shot yesterday. It was a beautiful six point if I have to say so myself," I say with a smirk as I show my guy friends the picture I took of the deer I killed.

A couple of them stand there open mouthed, amazed and somewhat jealous by the magnificent white tail deer on my tiny phone screen.

"You get all the luck, Cass. I don't even think I shot a buck yet," one of the boys says.

A boy in my grade with dark brown hair and glasses pops his head into the group and looks at the picture.

"Wow. That's a nice deer," he says. I nod.

"Thanks. I take it you like to hunt?"

"Yep. Been huntin' since I was six," the boy says.

"Cool. I'm Cassidy. And you are?" I question.

"Michael. You wanna hang out later?" He says. I shrug.

"Sure. I'd love to,"

Michael's POV
I had to pat myself on the back at a job well done for finally getting up the courage to talk to Cassidy. After our short conversation in the hallway, we really hit it off and I think she really likes me.

I sound like such a little kid for a guy who's almost eighteen years old and is graduating high school soon, but I'm glad that she's talking to me after I had the biggest crush on her for years.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" I ask. Cassidy shrugs.

"Lots of things. I do rodeo events with the local 4-H group and I have a horse named Wrangler that I love more than anything. And, I like hunting and fishing. What about you?"

"Well, this is gonna sound weird, but I actually like singing and songwriting. I also like hunting and fishing though too. I kinda want to be a songwriter for a country music label some day," I say. Cassidy smiles.

"That's really cool, Michael. Can you sing something for me right now? I'd love to hear you sing,"

"Sure. I'll go grab my guitar," I say.

I leave the front porch and come back with my guitar and a notebook only a short time later.

I don't normally sing for people, but I guess I should get used to it considering I want to be a country singer some day.

After I sing for Cassidy, she smiles at me.

"Wow. That was great. You're gonna be a great singer some day, I can tell." She says. I smile.

"Thanks Cassidy. That's real sweet of you to say,"

"Of course. Hey. You wanna come with me to my parents' ranch to see my horse?" Cassidy asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I'd love to,"

"Awesome. Let's go," Cassidy says. She grabs my hand and pulls me towards my truck. "You're driving, Michael."

"Yes ma'am," I say, a smile never leaving my face.

Cassidy's POV
I show Michael how to get to my house and when we get there, I show him out to the horse pen.

"You might wanna put on some muck boots," I suggest. Michael shrugs.

"Nah. I'm okay. Getting dirt on my cowboy boots doesn't bother me,"

"Okay. Well then, Michael, meet my horse, Wrangler." I say.

Wrangler trots over to us and I touch a hand to his nose. Wrangler nuzzles his nose into my palm and neighs.

"He's a beautiful horse, Cass. Do you think you could show me some of the rodeo stuff you do with Wrangler?" Michael asks. I smile.

"Sure. You wanna come with me to grab everything?"

"Yeah. I can do that if you want,"

"Awesome. Thanks Michael," I say. Michael nods.

"Don't mention it,"

I put on my chaps and my cowgirl hat. I set my lasso rope on my shoulder and hoist my saddle onto Wrangler's back. I hop on Wrangler after latching the saddle into place.

"You ready to see some cattle wranglin' and steer wrestlin'?" I ask. Michael nods.

"Show me what you got, cowgirl." He says. I laugh.

"Okay. Watch and learn, country boy."

I ride out of the horse pen and into the show ring my parents built for me a couple of years ago.

My dad lets out a bull for me and Wrangler and I go after it. I lean forward and jump off Wrangler, wrestling the bull to the ground and pinning it for a perfect solo steer wrestle.

I let go of the bull and it runs away. It can't go too far anyways since it's in the show ring. Wrangler trots back over to me and sniffs me, nudging me with his nose. I laugh and get up from the ground, brushing off the dirt on my pants and shirt.

I walk over to Michael and he's got a big smile on his face.

"That was amazing, Cass. I could never do that. I only ever worked with chickens on my family's farm," he says. I laugh.

"Well, I could teach you if you want."

"Nah. I'm okay. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of such a pretty girl," Michael says with a smirk. My cheeks flush.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"Of course I do. You're a beautiful girl who is an amazing rodeo cowgirl and that's what got my attention when I first met you," Michael says.

I lean closer to Michael and give him a kiss on the lips. Michael looks at me, a shocked look on his face.

"You're real handsome, Michael. Just thought I'd tell you that," I say. Michael smiles.

"You wanna go watch the sun go down with me?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I'd like that very much,"

Michael's POV
Nine months later
I'm going off to college at Middle Tennessee State University tomorrow and Cassidy is going to Texas to start her career as a rodeo star.

I'm excited to go off to college because I'm gonna be in my school's Recording Industry program to major in songwriting. Hopefully I can put this major to good use and work for a recording studio some day.

I'm sad that Cassidy and I'll be so far away from each other and I'm almost afraid that we'll never see each other again.

"I'm gonna miss you, Michael." Cassidy says, squeezing my hand. I sigh.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Cass, but this is for the best. We're both gonna have the lives we've always wanted and that's what matters,"

"You're right, Michael. But hey, maybe I'll hear your music on the country radio stations soon and maybe I'll come to one of your concerts." Cassidy says with a smile. I laugh.

"And maybe I'll see you on tv when I watch the women's rodeo competition. Maybe I'll even come watch you when I'm in Texas for a tour,"

"I'd like that a lot, Michael."

"So would I, Cassidy."

We share one last kiss that night before parting ways, not sure whether either of us will see each other again.

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