Chapter 7 - Red

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Cassidy's POV
I wake up around seven the next morning and tip toe out of my room, afraid to wake up anyone who might still be sleeping.

I notice Michael's door is closed and I carefully open it just in case he's still sleeping. I peek my head in and see that he is still sleeping so I carefully close the door again before going downstairs.

When I go into the kitchen, Michael's momma is there making some coffee. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Good morning Cassidy. Did you sleep well?" She asks. I nod.

"I slept great,"

"Well that's good. Would you like some coffee?"

"I would love some coffee. Thank you Mrs. Hardy," I say with a smile. Michael's momma nods.

"Of course sweetheart,"

Mrs. Hardy sits across from me at the dining table and sips her coffee.

"So, Cassidy, how did you and Michael find each other again? I know you two have been kind of accidentally dodgin' each other for the longest time," she says. I laugh.

"Well, I was at a country music festival with my rodeo partner, Grace, and we were just walking around when this guy, who was on his phone, spilling his beer all over my new shirt. I got a good look at the guy and realized that it was Michael. After that day, we kind of picked up where we left off fourteen years ago." I explain. Mrs. Hardy smiles.

"That's real cute. I always knew you two would get back together some day, God willing."

"Yeah. I always thought so too," I say, sipping some of my coffee.

I hear someone coming downstairs and I turn my head to see Michael coming into the kitchen. He yawns and stretches out his back as he walks in.

"Good morning Michael," Mrs. Hardy says.

"Good morning momma. And good morning, Cassidy." Michael says, leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, Michael." I say with a smile.

Michael grabs the pot of coffee off the counter and pours some into a mug. He then pours some creamer into the cup and stirs it.

"Where's dad?" Michael asks as he leans up against the kitchen counter and sips his coffee.

"He's working in the chicken houses. You're welcome to join him if you like," Mrs. Hardy replies. Michael nods.

"I think I'll do that. I'll be back, Cassidy."

"Okay babe. Have fun,"

Michael's POV
I always told myself I'd never set foot inside a chicken house ever again after I made it big in Nashville, but here I am walking into my family's chicken house to talk to my father.

When my dad sees me, he chuckles and shakes his head.

"I'm surprised you're even in here. Didn't you say that you would never set foot in one these houses again?" He asks. I shrug.

"Yeah. I did say that, but now I'm in here so I guess I lied."

"Well, you probably shouldn't be here. I wouldn't want you to ruin your fancy boots," dad says, nodding to my pointy toed cowboy boots.

"Why are you mad at me?" I ask. My dad frowns.

"I'm mad at you because I'm tired of you fooling around in Nashville. I was pretty happy when I saw you walk through my door with that Cassidy girl because I know she's gonna set you straight,"

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