Chapter 2 - Truck

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Michael's POV
I check into my hotel in Austin and then go to the music festival. I purchase a beer at one of the stands and walk around the festival.

While I'm walking around, a song idea pops up in my head and I'm so glad that my bad writer's block is finally over. I take my phone out of my back pocket and pull my notes app up.

I make a new note and start typing in my idea as I walk through the crowded area which probably isn't a good idea.

I find out it's a bad idea when I knock into someone and my beer spills onto their shirt.

"My new shirt!" The lady says worriedly.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. It was my fault. I wasn't lookin' where I was goin' and—"

"Michael? Is that really you?"

I look up and my eyes lock with a girl I thought I'd never see again.


Cassidy's POV
For years, I had listened to his music and felt like I'd never have the chance to see him again. Now, he's standing right in front of me and I almost can't believe it.

"Michael Hardy, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I didn't think I'd ever see you again," I say, giving Michael a hug.

"I thought the same, Cassidy Allen. It's so great to see you again," Michael says. He gives me a once over and smiles. "And you look just as beautiful as the last time I saw you,"

My cheeks flush and I smile.

"Aww. Thank you, Michael. You're just as sweet as always. And handsome too. It's hard to believe I'm still looking at that love sick country boy from Mississippi," I say.

"Are you Hardy? The famous country singer?" Grace asks.

"Yes. And I wouldn't consider myself to just be a country singer. I'm more of a rock slash country singer, you know?" Michael replies. Grace nods.

"Yeah. I guess so. Could I have a side bar with my best friend for just a second?"

Grace grabs my arm before Michael can answer. She pulls me off to the side and Michael just watches us.

"This is the country boy from Mississippi that you were in love with, right?"  Grace asks. I nod.

"Yep. He's the one. I just can't believe he's here in Austin. It's amazing. I haven't seen him for close to fourteen years,"

"I know. And it's fantastic, but are you gonna like fall in love with him all over again or somethin'?" Grace asks.

"Maybe. I don't know. It's been fourteen years, Grace. There might not be any feelings left," I say. Grace shrugs.

"Well, only time'll tell. You wanna invite him to walk around with us at the festival?"

"For sure,"

"Figured that'd be your answer. Alright, go ask him and we can go on our way." Grace says. I give Grace a thumbs up.

"You got it,"

I walk back over to Michael with a big smile on my face. Michael smiles too and takes my hand in his when I stand in front of him.

"What's up, baby?" He asks.

"I was wonderin' if you'd like to walk around with us at the festival today," I say. Michael shrugs.

"Sure. I don't mind walkin' around with you girls,"

"Awesome. Let's go then," I say with a smile as my hand drops out of Michael's.

Michael seems somewhat disappointed to not be holding my hand, but shakes it off quickly.

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