Chapter 1 - Where Ya At

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Cassidy's POV
Fourteen Years Later
I laugh as I walk into the show ring with my rodeo partner, Grace. We've been doing cattle wrangling and steer wrestling in the rodeo together for probably ten years now.

I met her in Texas when I first started my rodeo career and we've been good friends ever since.

"You know, there's a musical festival in Austin next week. You wanna come with me to it? I got an extra ticket," Grace says. I smile.

I love going to country music festivals in Texas. We don't really have a lot of concerts or festivals in Mississippi so I always enjoy going to the festivals here.

"I'd love to. Are we carpoolin'?" I ask. Grace nods.

"Plannin' on it. I mean, it takes almost three hours to get there from here so it's probably better that we just drive up together."

"Definitely. Ready to get some training in before we need to go home?" I ask.

"Yeah I am. Let's go," Grace says as she hoists herself up onto her horse, Blitz.

I hoist myself up onto my horse that I named Hardy. It's a bit of a momento to Michael whom I love and miss so much. I've gone to a couple of his concerts in the past to cheer him on, but he never knew I was there which hurt my heart.

Anyways, I had to get a new horse when I moved to Texas because Wrangler was better off at home with my parents. For a while, I had been basically borrowing a horse from the rodeo until I bought Hardy a little over four years ago.

Hardy is a great horse and I'm glad I have him here in Texas with me, but not a day goes by that I don't miss Wrangler. He's an old boy now and my parents still take good care of him on their ranch.

I ride around the ring a few times to get into the swing of things before we start some barrel racing practice. Barrel racing is an individual event, but Grace and I always practice together because we're a team and teams always practice together.

Michael's POV
I want to write some songs, but I have severe writer's block. I decided that the only way I could fix this is if I go to someone for help so I go to Memphis and Morgan to see if they can help me out, but both of them are just as swamped as I am.

"I mean, I want to showcase my love for rock and country again. You know I always do, but I can't seem to think of anything, country or rock music alike." I say, pinching the bridge of my nose to try to suppress the headache that's starting to come on.

"I know. I totally get it and I wish I could be more help, but I don't really have a lot of good songs for you coming to mind." Memphis mutters.

"Maybe you should take a short vacation to relax," Morgan says. Memphis nods

"Morgan's right. Maybe you should take a short break from your own music for a while. I have tickets to a music festival in Austin that's in like three days but Morgan and I can't go. Maybe you could go there in our place."

"I mean, I guess I could do that. Thanks guys," I say.

"Of course. It's the least we could do for ya. Go to Texas and have a couple days to yourself," Memphis says. Morgan nods.

"Yeah. Maybe find yourself a girlfriend up there or somethin',"

"You don't have to find a girlfriend. Just go there and have fun," Memphis mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Well, while I'm there, maybe I can watch a rodeo." I say. Memphis nods.

"There you go. Watch a rodeo, maybe go see a Texas Rangers game or something. Anything that'll help you get out of this slump,"

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