Undercover: [7](Rose)

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Baxter stop!

I don't want to fight them!

I stop moving and hold my head again. I can only control my body for short amounts of time. Usually in that time a freeze long enough so Leo can either portal me or Mikey can chain me.

The fog in my head clears slightly but comes back when I notice Sunita charging after me without her cloaking brooch on.

My body is taken control of again and I hit her in the gut, trying to push her to the side.

Since she doesn't have her cloaking brooch on she uses her gooey mass to warp herself around my arm. Attaching her to me and trying to weigh me down.

I grunt as my arm she's holding onto gets pulled to the ground. The mind control tries to get her off me using my other arm. But Sunita just grabs that, pinning both my hands to the ground.

Leo charges at me and opens a portal right next to me. Mikey coming from above to shove me in. 

I dodge, and instead, push Mikey into Leo's portal that was meant for me. But I start sliding through when Mikey's chain grabs my foot, pulling me in.

Sunita, still attached to my arms gets dragged in as well. We start falling from the ceiling where the portal ended up. Mikey unties his chain from me and uses it on one of the beams above.

He quickly grabs my foot and holds me up. My face a mere few feet from the ground.

I unwillingly wiggle myself, trying to get out of his grip.

Raph gets huge with his mystic powers and grabs me in his big giant red hands. Letting me lay gently into his palm.

I keep struggling in Sunita's green goop but she's holding on tight.

Raph lays me down on the floor near the garage. Sighing with slight relief. Then realizing Baxter is still here, he turns and reaches for the boy with his huge hands.

Baxter, startled, starts running away. But he's too slow. Leo portals under him and drags Baxter through it. Ending up next to him.

Baxter chuckles nervously, ray gun in hand.

"How do you get this off of her?" Raph demands, getting smaller and towering over Baxter.

The mind control moves my head so I look inside the garage. Seeing a hose near the inside of the door.

I know exactly what it's gonna try and do.

It makes me start inching my way over. How do I stop it? Sunita doesn't even notice because I'm moving slowly. Leaving my arms near the same spot as where she originally was.

"I don't know! I've never tried it on a mutant. Only a couple of pigeons I found at the park!" Baxter pleads, realizing that he might not have a way out.

"Too bad. You are going to figure out how to get this stuff off of her so we can have Rose back." Leo looks at Baxter, angry.

But I am here! I think.

My feet grab the hose and reach for the nob to turn it on.

I do the only thing I can do.

With the few moments I have to exert the last of my energy, I scream as loud as possible.

They all turn their heads to look but it's too late. The hose already starting to spray at Sunita.

Sunita yells as she gets splattered off my arms. Ending up in a green, goopy, heap in the corner.

Mikey rushes to her side to make sure she's ok.

I input the code in the wall which takes the whole sewer off of lockdown. Getting up and looking between Raph and Leo.

Quickly I rush for Baxter. Who smirks at Leo as we both disappear out the door. Running wherever Baxter wishes me to go.

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