"Are you looking forward to the triple date?" Beth laughed, easing the tension I was feeling beforehand.

"More excited to see the monkey's" I playfully responded as Beth slightly pushed my arm in a jokingly way.

We quickly ordered our food before I listened to the conversation surrounding the table, learning a little bit more about each couple as I watched their interactions intently. Beth, Katie and Ruesha seem to be the loud outgoing type, whereas Viv seemed to be slightly more reserved which is why I guess her and Beth work so well. Katie and Ruesha seem to just take the mick out of one another and wind each other up. I imagine they spend a lot of their time together laughing at the other's mischievous ways.

As we finished our food and began to head back to the cars, Leah placed her arm around my shoulder before quietly whispering in my ear.

"You, okay? You seem a bit quiet?" She watched closely, anticipating my response.

"Yeah, I'm fine. They're just a lot louder than me" I giggled, nodding my head in the direction to the Arsenal girls. "Come on, I want to see the animals!" I quickly finished, taking Leah's hands into my own as I pulled her towards the car.

Both Beth and Viv joined our car as we headed to the zoo as they did not bring their car. The car journey there was spent with us singing along to the songs on the radio, but mainly laughing at Beth who didn't have the best singing voice.

The excitement of going to the zoo began to set in. Unbeknown to Leah, I was obsessed with going to the zoo when I was younger, so when she mentioned it this morning I didn't hesitate to agree. I've been trying to contain my excitement all morning but as we made our way through the entrance, this was no longer containable as I squealed as soon as I seen the different animal sections lay ahead of us.

This caused all 5 girls to laugh at my reaction.

"You excited Mel?" Katie laughed as she playfully nudged my shoulder.

"What makes you say that Mccabe?" I replied sarcastically giving her a smug grin.

We began with heading over to see some of the land predators, we managed to see Lions, tigers, a few Jaguar's and finally some cheetahs.

As we were admiring the animals in front of us, Ruesha decided to make a joke.

"What did the king of pride rock say?" Ruesha questioned

A look of bemusement spread across the rest of our faces as we thought of the answer.

"Go on..." Leah prodded, anticipating the punch line of the joke.

"Simba, you are falling behind. I must ask you to Mufasa."

I immediately burst out laughing at how bad the joke was, which was shortly followed by Viv, Beth, Leah and Katie who were hysterically laughing at Ruesha who had also joined in on the laughter.

"Where did you get that from? A back of a penguin wrapper?" Beth teased.

"No! I came up with myself" Ruesha proudly stated.

"Babe, there's a reason people say I'm the funny one" Katie jibbed.

"Yeah, in your dreams." Ruesha responded rolling her eyes in Katie's direction.

After making our way round several of the Animal closures, we decided to have a break to grab some dinner. Katie and Leah went to order the food as Viv and Ruesha headed to the toilet, leaving me and Beth sat minding the table.

"So.... You and Leah?" Beth questioned wriggling her eyebrows.

"What about us?"

"Well, I think your smile has said enough" Beth teased whilst mimicking the smile which was now prominent on my face.

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