Chapter 22

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AN: Sorry for the long wait! the next three chapters are complete and I hope to keep a weekly posting schedule until this 'book' in the series is finished! As always thanks to my wonderful beta readers Mia and Hazel!

Dong Hua Dijun had once reigned over the universe, of course he more than deserved to have clans' rulers subject themselves to him as their liege. - Pillowbook 1

She had never once thought about the time when he (Dong Hua Dijun) was the Master of the Universe and his majestic presence when the six realms worshipped and consecrated him. - Pillowbook 2, 5

Heavenly Realm, Territory held by invading demons, Yellow Demon Clan - Late Morning
Day 3 since Fengjius death
Yu Shi —-------------------------------

The death of the lord's wife having not yet been made public. Xiang Xu's immortal soldiers were hidden along the entirety of the ghost realm border not stopping anyone from leaving, only blocking the ghosts from returning. These two facts meant that neither the ghosts nor the demons within the realm had any reason to suspect anything was out of the ordinary.

Lord Shaoyang had ordered that the three demon clans currently in the ghost realm be warned to withdraw, or be destroyed. Elder Liu Cai had warned the white demon clan, while Elder Xiang Xu had warned the blue, which left him to warn the yellow.

Normally such a task would be given to an Elder, but Da Kai had spent the last few days hunting down and killing the Great Wyrm, so was busy making sure his soldiers were organised and prepared. With Ru Zhong being in the shadows and Tu Jian currently collating all the reports before the council this evening, that had left him to fulfil this task.

Yu Shi had a thoughtful look on his face as he contemplated many things. He'd just left the ghost realm border having informed the leader of the yellow demon clan to withdraw or be destroyed, and was now teleporting to Tu Jian's karst mountain manor to report that as expected, they would not withdraw.

His official warning on behalf of Lord Shaoyang, who was known better in this era as Dijun, had been completely disbelieved. The leader and his subordinates had suggested everything from his warning being: a trick by the Heavenly Tribes Tianjun; a scheme from the demon lords of the green and red clans that were friendly toward the Heavenly Tribe; and a scheme from the two more neutral demon clans.

He'd studied hard the past few days to learn the changes in language that had occurred since he'd last walked the world, he was certain he hadn't made any errors when delivering the speech. He'd practised it many times, so was feeling quite dejected at the fact his warning had been ignored so soundly.

"Elders Liu Cai and Xiang Xu have already reported, what took you so long?"

"The yellow demon clan will not withdraw."

"A moment." Tu Jian asked, as they reached into their sleeves and removed a black scroll with a token attached. Yu Shi watched as she detached half the token, then poured energy into the remaining half, "Sun's mercy." Tu Jian spoke, and the scroll teleported to wherever it was designated to go.

Yu Shi wisely didn't ask questions, if Tu Jian was happy playing messenger to Ru Zhong, then whatever information, report or orders the scroll contained, it was important.

"Thank you, you were saying?"

"Demon Lord Huang was quite belligerent in their refusal to leave. They have until dawn tomorrow, perhaps they will be swayed by the white clans retreat and do the same?"

"From the reports Ru Ru's people have sent, that Demon Lord rules by brawn alone, not brains. You warning them was just a formality, they were never going to leave."

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