Chapter 16

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Heavenly Realm, Kunlun - late evening.

Second day since Fengjiu died.

Mo Yuan —----------------------------

The series of events that unfolded in the past week to lead to the current situation was almost unbelievable. Hao De Tianjun would normally ask Ye Hua to deal with this Ghost Realm upheaval issue. But the Tianjun's memory decline had been so sudden and severe that unless you were speaking to and reminding him of them, it appeared the man forgot even the most recent of events. Confused, Tianjun had acted on memories from the earliest days of his rulership, where there were few problems he could solve, and so had always asked for Dong Huas 'opinion' 'suggestions' and 'advice', to fix the problem.

Tianjin's rapid decline led to Dong Hua dealing with the ghost realm issue, then Fengjiu's death leading to Qing Qiu's fury and involvement, it had been an avalanche of horrific luck within an absurdly short amount of time. The world was a hairbreadth away from plunging back into the chaos of the prehistoric era.

Fortunately few knew of the Tianjun's decline and rapidly approaching end, but Bai Fengjiu's death would be publicly announced tomorrow. The Demon Clan would be foolish not to attempt something in the resulting chaos if Jiuchongtian and the Heavenly Realm were left lightly guarded.

Both he and Dong Hua not being available would be unwise. In the current era there had never been a time where both he and Dong Hua had been absent from the world at once. When Dong Hua had been trapped in Fanyin Valley, the Demon Tribe had started preparing to attack the Heavenly Tribe, only the green and red clans had not tried to take advantage. Luckily Dong Hua had returned before the Demon Tribe had had the chance to attack.

Even hundreds of thousands of years after the prehistoric era ended, Dong Hua's power and presence was still critical to the continued peace of the six realms. With both him and Dong Hua present, there was no risk of the Demon or Ghost Tribes attacking, but with both of them unavailable? It was almost certain, the demons at least would be foolish not to do so.

"I heard Tianjun asked for your advice about the current unrest in the Ghost Realm?"

"Solved, you need not concern yourself with it."

He had heard from Zhe Yan that Dong Hua had invited Bai Zhi to a war council at Bihai Cangling, and also summoned Xiang Xu and Yu Shi, so some military action was planned.

"You will not be using Heavenly Tribes soldiers?", Mo Yuan asked. Though most soldiers from the prehistoric era had passed on, there were still some older High Immortals within the Heavenly Tribes army who had served under Dong Hua. Many would be disheartened to miss the chance of fighting under his banner.

"You are Heaven's God of War, not I. Why would the deployment of its armies have anything to do with me?", Dong Hua queried in return.

That was concerning, and confirmed what Zhe Yan and Bai Zhi had suspected. Whatever Dong Hua had planned, he was clearly not planning to involve the Heavenly Tribe in any official capacity. This meant Dong Hua's answer to the unrest in the ghost realm likely would not bode well for anyone currently residing in it.

When Dong Hua had relinquished his supreme position as ruler of the six realms, none of the surviving 72 generals or their followers had pledged allegiance to the other thrones that were created at the time.

The loyalty that Dong Hua's generals had for him was absolute. In the end, none of the High Gods that were his subordinates pledged themselves to Xin Ho, the first Tianjun of Jiuchongtian, or to Bai Zhi, the Fox Emperor of Qing Qiu. The demon generals did not move to the demon realm to create their own clans to jostle for power and position among the other demon clans. The ghost generals did not pledge themselves to assist the newly appointed Ghost Lord.

Scions of Heaven - CalamityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora