Chapter 21

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Now, if she's marrying into Dong Hua Dijun's household, where is she going to turn to when she's being mistreated? - Elderly lady Fumi, speaking of Fengjiu. (Pillowbook)

Heavenly Realm, Jiuchongtian, Xiwu Palace - Changsheng Hall - Late Morning
Day 3 since Fengjiu's death
Bai Qian —-------------------------------

She and Mo Yuan informed Ye Hua about Dong Hua summoning Gungun to Taichen Palace to undergo the ascension trial. Ye Hua's brows creased slightly in concern, but seeing Mo Yuan was placid and she was grudgingly allowing it, he didn't ask anymore questions or suggest intervening. Mo Yuan also kindly avoided mentioning the details surrounding her meeting Elder Liu Cai.

When Mo Yuan had told them about Dong Hua's crimson-gold blood and the potential issues it would cause for the tiniest member of their family, Zhe Yan had gone to his Peach Forest to review his medical journals, and promised to return shortly.

This left Bai Qian, Mo Yuan and Ye Hua to discuss other happenings in the meantime.

"What news from Ruoshui?" Mo Yuan asked.

"Someone left a nearly bisected Great Wyrm on the Heavenly Realms side of Ruoshui river."

"Nearly bisected?", Mo Yuan asked Ye Hua, at his nod of affirmation, Mo Yuan continued, "Then it was the work of Elder Da Kai and his Shanpo blade, I imagine this is the gift Elder Liu Cai mentioned earlier."

"Judging by some of the arrows and swords embedded in its hide, it was the same one that attacked your forces 100,000 years ago at Ruoshui."

"Weren't they all supposed to be destroyed even before then? Wasn't that why no one expected one to appear?" Bai Qian asked.

"Yes, they were supposed to be. I was there when the peace agreement between the Heavenly Realm and the Ghost Realm was signed, the eradication of the Greatwryms was one of the conditions agreed to." Mo Yuan explained.

Ye Hua mused, "So with this 'gift' left at Ruoshui the Heavenly Realm would be justified in attacking the Ghost Realm, as the conditions of the original agreement were never met?"

Mo Yuan simply nodded slightly, confirming Ye Huas theory.

"So Dong Hua now has a righteous reason to cross the Ghost Realm border and wage war?" Bai Qian asked.

If it were her, she wouldn't have bothered with crafting some righteous excuse to cross the border and slaughter everyone that was even peripherally involved with Fengjius' death. But she'd married Ye Hua and would soon become Tianhou of the Heavenly Tribe, so didn't have the luxury of acting as she wished anymore.

"Righteous? I wouldn't say so, but a reason other realms could not fault? Yes." Ye Hua replied.

"As a precaution, my disciples will be arriving shortly, these are the defence plans I have made."

Mo Yuan placed a scroll on the table between them and Ye Hua picked it up.

"Battle formations, barriers, and where each disciple is best suited to be placed; amend any details as you see fit." Mo Yuan suggested.

Bai Qian would normally happily help her husband Ye Hua with anything, especially at the moment, but she wouldn't be of much help with this issue. She had been a disciple of Mo Yuans 100,000 years ago, her very best rank in battle formation class was tenth, most often she was last, or nearly so. She could lead a small army and fight on the frontlines, but battle factics was not one of her strengths.

"I had planned to visit you in Kunlun to discuss these things, I am fortunate to have such a wise and foresighted brother." Ye Hua said, though he couldn't fully hide his exhaustion.

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