Chapter 20

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In legends, the places that these generals retired to were the best mountain ranges in the Lower Realm. - pillowbook 2, page 11

Heavenly Realm, Jiuchongtian, Taichen Palace - Mid Morning
Day 3 since Fengjius death
Bai Chen (A-Li) —-------------------------------

After sending people to investigate the sighting of a monstrously large beast on the Heavenly Realms side of the Ruoshui, Bai Chen along with his father had returned to Xiwu Palace's Chengsheng Hall to the unexpected sight of his mother seated at a table with Mo Yuan and Zhe Yan seated at the centre table in deep discussion. This was understandably quite alarming, Bai Chen's father Ye Hua immediately went to be by his mothers side.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Ye Hua noticed she was more agitated than when he'd left her.

Bai Chen's mother swiftly reassured his father, then turned to him and said, "Why don't you go visit Gungun and Xueyu in the right side hall for a while. Nai Nai is watching over Fuzan, he's sleeping." was the 'suggestion', though it was really an order.

Bai Chen kept Gunguns words from a few days ago in mind, about not causing more trouble and worry for the adults. So he didn't make a fuss at once again being shuffled away while the adults discussed things, instead he bowed politely to everyone and walked to the side hall on the right.

He was at a loss at how to help his younger cousin, while also trying very hard to battle his own anger and grief, it was hard. He'd been much younger than Gungun was now when he'd gone through the same thing, but in reverse.

Back when he was still a young sprout and called A-Li, his father had 'died', and his mother had been very sad and lost herself in dreams for years. He'd not been old enough to understand why she had not visited him even once since his father 'died'. He'd been hurt and confused, and convinced himself that it was because he'd done something wrong. So when his great-grandfather, Hao De Tianjun, and his grandfather Yang Cuo had pushed heavy expectations and strictly forced him to study, even though he wasn't a genius he'd studied very hard. He'd hoped that if he behaved very well and did everything expected of him, perhaps his mother would visit him once she heard that he was a good child?

It hadn't worked, for three years he wasn't even allowed the time to visit his fathers grave, and the only physical affection he received was from Nai Nai. For three years he'd been an orphan in all but name, just like Gungun was now.

Bai Chen's father had been 'dead', and his mothers heart was too injured to bear it. For Gungun it was the opposite, his mother was dead, and his father had sealed away his heart to spare the world from destruction.

He was the only family member who could offer empathy to Gungun at this time, not just sympathy, but as good with emotions as he was, he did not know what to do or say to help his younger cousin through this.

He'd craved physical affection and supportive and kind words when he'd gone through this similar situation, but that wouldn't work for Gungun. For his younger but far more mature and responsible cousin, an offer of hugs and reassurance or kind words would be answered with a look of horror or forbearance.

As he stood outside the closed door to the side hall, Bai Chen realised all he could really do for Gungun was try and offer support in other ways. Such as making sure to contain his emotions as best he could, and not do anything stupid or rash and cause trouble for anyone.

With these thoughts in mind he opened the door.

"Woah!" he exclaimed without thought.

It wasn't pitch black, but it was very dim. It wasn't anything like he'd expected to find, it was always bright in Jiuchongtian, an endless sea of stars was slowly travelling across the ceiling.

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