Chapter four

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(Hahaoya - mother, Chichioya - father)

'Where am i' I thought , looking around me to see only darkness. Then I saw a small light, I walked towards it and I found myself in my memory logs. I looked at one for the many memorise to see myself before the war started walking to where i think was home with food in one servos and what i could tell was a present in my other servos, i watch as the memory plays, i walked into the house to see Blacksun laying down on the couch, asleep, i felt myself sighed at the sight, i saw myself walk over to the sleeping femme "you need to stop overworking yourself caretaker and happy sparkday" forcing myself to look away from the memory. I was confused, why was the so-called 'queen of darkness' my caretaker? And trailfire is my sire? Then I saw a really old memory and almost ran towards it, it was when I was given my goggles. Taking a deep breath and stepping into the memory.

I was training with drift while Blacksun was watching, i had blacksuns old guns while drift had her old swords. I shout at drift but he deflect my bullet towards the ground "drift, crossheir come here i have to tell you two something" i heard Blacksun, me and drift both stopped and walked over to see Blacksun holding something behind her back "I know that both of u are going to be 50 thousand soon so me and your sire have decided to give you both this" she said showing us what she was holding. I was given cool looking goggles while Drift was given his own swords "la gaps thank you so much mother " i said hugging her "thank you for the swords Sensei" drift said join the hug. I felt the hug tighten "I need you both to promise to tell me that if something very bad happens, I don't want to lose both of my sparklings"

I was sitting next to the bed where crosshair layed. He passed out after asking about trailfire and that was two weeks ago. We have leaded at a back yard that cade somehow managed to get, it has been a few days since prime left and i can say that sundown is still sad on the fact his sire is gone again but he would come back again. "Hahaoya you know it's not good to not eat for two weeks" Drift said, handing me a cube and sitting down next to me "thank you dear, it's just... it's been so long since i saw him and the last i heard from him was when that fucking ship blow up and that sight of the ship, It still hurts me and with the last message from both of them, it hurts to look into those messages. "I said, taking hold of crossheir servos "do you still remember the promise I made you two to promise to me?" I ask, drinking a bit of my enregon "hai, I still remember it and how worried you were when the war started and how we got separated. Then both Crossheir and Chichioya joined the autobots and I joined the Decepticons while you were on the run from both sides" I sighed knowing that drift was right with the timeline from back then.

I was running to the escape pods with trailfire behind me while shooting at those scavengers who were coming at us in the first place since we have a bounty for being a part of 'the royalty of darkness' or whatever. We ran into the room, blocking the door with what we could find and finding only one escape pod left "go, i'll hold them off" sire said turning to the controls ''no, it's big enough to fit both of us" i said looking back to the door as shouting was heard outside "come out king AND prince of darkness, we know you're in there" and was followed by a creepy giggle "Crosshair get in the pod now. I have already messaged your mother and I'm sorry about this'' before I could ask sorry about what, I was pushed into the pod with the lid closed on me "no nO SIRE WHY?" I yelled "I'm sorry sweetspark but this is for you own good, remember I love you ok?" i was lacking 'why, why might sire do this?' then the door broke down "your time has come to an end your highnesses" one of those scavengers said and like clock work the pod took off, i watched hopelessly as sire fought off those fuckers then i saw the ship blow up and i saw a part flew to the pod i was in and then everything went black.

I opened my optics to find myself in the med bay, confused. I tried to move but stopped when I felt something holding on to my servos looking to where my servo is. I found Blacksun holding on to it with drift asleep laying on her side. I tried to move a bit but her grip tightened. "I see that you're awake dear" I looked back at her to see that she awakened with drift still laying on her "are you ok? No pain anywhere?" She asked as she let go of my servos to move drift off her and help me to sit up. "I- im ok and no" i said not reliving, my throat was dry "ok good, i'm going to get you some energon, ok?" She said looking back at me, optics full of worries. I nodded watching her making her way to the door and stopping "is there anything you want to ask me before i go?" She asked, looking back at me, "Was Trailfire my sire?" I asked her 'I need to know'. She gave a sad smile and nodded "yes, he was my little gunner " she answered before walking out.

I watched as Hahaoya left the room, he turned towards me "you were there too. In the memory, you were training with me and the promise we made to her and all... wa- was sire's body ever found?" He ask with optics that held confusion and concern for our caretaker "No Chichioya body was never found which lead Hahaoya to believe that Chichioya is still alive somewhere out there" i told him watching him trying to connect the dots "why is blacksun called 'queen of darkness'?" He asked "all i know is that Hahaoya was an heir to a kingdom that fell long before you or i was made" i answered

"So that makes us royalty?" I heard Crosshairs asked as I stepped back into the room with three cubes. "Yes," I said , handing both my son's each a cube, "why don't I remember anything?" He asked "you were hit by a piece of the ship that sadly hit your memory logs and destroyed some memories'' i told him as i sat back down in my seat "and after you had surgery and was stable, i gave optimus straight order's not to tell you the truth for your own good. I did the same with Megatron when I found out that drift joined the Decepticons." I added watching both of their face plates slowly turn from bare confusion to even more confusion, i laughed at their face's reaction "SO THATS WHY NO ONE WANTED TO FUCK WITH ME!?" Drift shouts as he stands up, I laughed even harder to the point where my tanks started to hurt while nodding to him.

I watched my adopted brother look even more confused while my caretaker laughed her aft off while at some point I joined in laughing at drift. We calmed down "yes dear that's why and i want to show both of you something tomorrow so rest up ok? I have something to do in the lab "I said as I stood and walked to the door "drift sleep on the other bed "I added before walking out and making my way to the lad, where my tube sparkling floated safe and sound. Sighing, I went to the middle table that had some blueprints for some swords and guns and cribs for my unborn sparklings

I started my work on the guns first, all the parts I needed while in my lab. Ok all but one part, i don't have a hyper amon for the bullet I plan to make, sighing and remembering another neutral bot fell towards earth not too long ago the only pain is trying to find him. Turning my force on the swords, I moved the things away from the tube and started to heat up the metal with a plasma flame. After a while I took the metal out and started to shape it into a rough shape for the sword then put it into water, watching the water fizz then I put it back into the flame. Rinse and Repeat for one out of two swords.

After finishing the swords, I looked over my work. The twin sword in question was a beautiful red that could switch from two swords into one large sword that is light but deals huge amounts of damage. Sighing, I looked back over the blueprints for the guns. I did one final check to see if I have any hyper material somewhere in my lab. Like primus gave me hope, I found some old but useful hyper sheets, walking over to the table i got to work making the bullet cell and filling it up with gunpowder, humming at my work, I looked at the time, i found it was already early morning and the others would be up soon. I feed the sparklings in the tube with their daily energon as long as small pieces of metal so they will be strong when their time comes. 1 out of the lab and making my way to the med bay only to find that crosshair and drift was still sleeping, closing the door behind me i made my way to where sundown sleeps to find the same results but only that he was on the floor, stepping in and putting him back onto his bed i was about to move when i felt a servos grab my arm "sire is that you?" I heard sundown and asked "no little mech it blacksun, sorry and sleep i'll wake you up later, ok?" i asked "ok" he said and fell back asleep. I closed the door and I walked to the bridge to find cade looking around "Mr cade, may I ask why you are here?"

Total words

Lost But Found (Discontinued unlit done rewriting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora