Chapter 8: Fun Day(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Ren: "Any idea what their talking about?"

Yang: "Eh, at this point anything."

She then turned to see Blake staring at Percy. She the tried to get her attention.

Yang: "Blake?"

Blake: "Huh, what?"

Yang: "You've been staring at Percy almost all the time this week. Is their something about him troubling you?"

Blake: "What, no. Actually, it's the opposite."

Yang: "Oh~. I get it now."

Blake then turned red at what Yang said.

Blake: "N-no! Not like that either! And who're you to talk? You've been staring at Ranger too."

She then turned red and put her head in her arms, on the table.

Yang: "Ugh! Why is his accent hot?!"

Thankfully, her comment was muffled by her arms and the boys didn't hear what she said. But everyone else at the table heard it.

Jaune: "Yeah, but we not gonna talk about how Kai looks exactly like Pyhra?"

They all then looked at Kai, then looked back at Pyrha. All of the were wide eyed.

Nora: "Oh my gosh! Are you two twins?!"

Pyrha: "It wouldn't surprise me if we were."

After a couple of more minutes of talking to Tony, only Seth and Kai came back to he table, raising some questions.

Jaune: "So who was that?"

Kai: "Oh, Tony? He was one of our old managers. But there was some complications with his wife, not bad complications, she's just expecting that's all."

Pyrha: "Congratulations."

Blake then looked worried.

Blake: "So, where's Percy and Ranger?"

Seth: "Tony asked us if we were fine with playing a song, and those two suggested an acoustic song with just the guitars."

Yang: "Nice! I did want to see yall play together though. You rocked the house after initiation."

Kai: "I guess so. Thanks."

Nora: "So Kai? Ever wonder if you have a twin?"

Kai: "No? Why would you ask-"

He then looks at Pyrha and realized why se asked.

Kai: "Oh. Why am I just now seeing this?

They all chuckled. Then they heard the sounds of mics and amps being set up.

Seth: "Oh, they must be ready."

They all walk outside to see a patio where Ranger and Percy sat with guitars.

A/N: I forgot to mention this during the first chapter with music, but Ranger is left handed. So he plays a left handed guitar.

They both began to tune down to where they need to play. Ranger then tapped a mic to check if it works.

Ranger: "Hey everyone. My names Ranger, I'm the second lead guitarist of Thunderbird. And next to me is first lead, Percy Donegan. And we're here to play a song, well the acoustic version, that we wrote for some of our studio session. We hope you enjoy."

He then mouths 1, 2, 3. He does it again and they both start to strum the guitar.

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