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Merida's PoV
So hiccup and I went back to the castle.
We stood outside the huge, wooden doors. "I'll see you tomorrow." Hiccup said with a smile. "Good luck."
I smiled back and pushed the doors open.

I put my head around the door and looked around. There was no one in the throne room. I stepped inside, treading lightly, and slowly letting the door shut behind me. I let out a breath and crept towards the centre of the room, looking around. Then I heard someone gasp.

I turned around and saw my mother rushing down the stairs, yet somehow still keeping her immaculate posture. I expected her to be angry, but I was wrong.

"Merida! Oh thank goodness Yer alrigh'!" She said, as she hugged me.
"Oh... Eh... Yeh. Mum Ah jus wanted tae leh Ye know ah'm ok."
"Oh lass! Wha' happened?"
"Ah... Eh... Nothin."

Mum took me to my room and let me get changed. Then she had some food brought up. She asked so many questions about where I'd been, where I'd slept, what I'd been doing. I told her everything. Apart from what happened with the wisps and the witch.

"Which camp did Ye say Ye slept in?"
"The Viking one."
My mum's eyes widened.
"Vikings?... Who's their chief?"
"Hiccup horrendous haddock III."
My mother gasped.
"Hiccup... What a... Peculiar name... Ah'll have tae thank him."
I laughed a little.
"Please don't abdicate..."
"Ah shouldn't have forced Ye back intae marriage. Just... Please, Ye can't do this."
"Mum, Ah really don' want tae be queen."
"No, Merida Ye don' understand. It's more than tha'... Ah canny really explain it."
"Buh' why can't the triplets take the throne?"
"It... Its very complicated."
"Buh' it's my life! Ah should geh' a say in it!"
"Merida! Ye have tae understand how important this is."
"How can Ah understand somethin' Ah don' know?!"
"Ye have tae try. Sometimes, our destiny can lie where we least expect it. Ah know ye don't want the responsibility, buh' Ah also know ye can handle it."

I sighed as my mother stood up. "Jus' promise me somethin'." She said.
"Yeh, Wha?"
"Don' leh hiccup go..." She smiled at me, then left me utterly confused.

Hi!!! Thank you so much for 1k views!! I love you all and I hope you're liking the story. Sorry it's a shortie this time and that updates have been slow lately. So what's up with queen Elinor? maybe we'll find out in the next chapter... Have a great day!


Will O' the wispsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora