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Hiccup's PoV
It looked like a tiny, blue...thing. Almost like a person. But honestly it looked more like a blob. It didn't really have legs and its body was tiny. It's head was its biggest feature. It was tear shaped and it had two white eyes, one bigger than the other. It had skinny little arms that beckoned me. It was floating in midair but the strangest part about this little...thing was that it was giving off blue light. In fact it looked like it was made of blue fire. Then it vanished and another one appeared a little further away. And then a whole trail of them appeared, leading off into the forest. They seemed to want me to follow them. So I did...

Merida's PoV
I swung myself onto Angus and we galloped off. I rode him into the woods. I was so angry. I needed to go somewhere and calm down. Finally I came to the stone circle. I dismounted Angus and walked into the centre. The sun was beginning to set and the whole place seemed full of magic. Then I saw a blue light appear in front of me. "A wisp!" I said to myself. Then more showed up and I followed the little blue flames off, deep into the forest.

Hey! I hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short... More to come. Bye!!

Will O' the wispsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora