The first challenge

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Merida's PoV
The targets were set up. The suitors where ready and waiting. I was in my room with Elsa, Anna and Rapunzle. Or punzie as we call her. "So... What do you have planned this time?" Said Anna.
"Well... Ah was jus' goin' tae do wha' ah did last time." I said unsurely.
"Oh not again! Won't they be prepared for this?" Said Elsa.
I laughed a little.
"Ah highly dou' tha'."
Then Punzie chimed in. "Are you sure you don't want give it all a try? I mean maybe you'll like one of them."
The green eyed boy came into my head but I pushed him out. I'd made up my mind. But Punzie continued. "Oh my goodness! I saw a really cute one when we were waiting outside."
"Rapunzel!" Anna Scolded. "You're with Eugene!"
"I know but it was just a comment. I still love him."
"Ooh... Was that the guy with the piercing blue eyes?" Elsa joined in.
Anna gasped.
"Elsa! What about jack?!"
"What? It's like Punzie says, its just a comment." She defended. "Right Punz?"
We all looked to see a daydreaming Rapunzle. She was staring at the corner of the room, fiddling with a strand of her short, brown hair.
"Punzie!" We all said and she snapped back to reality.
"Wha?-what's the?- what?- wha?..."
I laughed.
"Sorry..." She said. "Just thinking about Eugene." She smiled as she said his name. We all knew she couldn't help it. She's always been a dreamer.
"Ye see?!" I said. "Tha's wha' she wants me tae be like. Bu' Ah'm never gonnie act tha' way. Ah'm never gonnie fall in love."
Then I heard my mother calling me. "Wish me luck." I said as I grabbed my bow and quiver. They all gave me a hug and I walked off to see the first challenge.

Hiccup's PoV
We all waited for the royal family to appear. Everything was set up. There'd be forty men a day, shooting. Then after five days there would be a new challenge. Suddenly they arrived and the challenge began. I won't lie. I wasn't really paying attention. I wasn't getting a try today so I was busy being bored. Then I realised the last archer had taken his shot. I looked at the targets. There was only one bullseye. The last one. Then a hooded figure stepped up to the first target. There were confused mumbles from the crowd. The figure pulled off the hood to reveal it was... Princess Merida. She stood strong and firm. Her crown fell to the ground as she pulled off the headdress to release her mass of red, curly hair. She pulled a bow off her torso and shot an arrow neatly into the centre of the bullseye. My jaw dropped and I watched in awe as she hit bullseye after bullseye. Every - single - time. She reached the fortieth and last target. She put an arrow on the string, pulled back to her ear and let the arrow fly. It went straight for the centre and split the fortieth man's arrow in two with a satisfying crack. Merida turned to face her mother, who was now standing next to her. I have so much respect for this girl. "Merida this is ridiculous!" The queen yelled. "You can't keep running from your title!"
"Well maybe ah don't wan' this title!" Merida yelled back. Her mother stopped. Her eyes widened and a look of desperation settled on her face.
"Ah don't wan' tae be a princess! Or a queen!" Merida said. "Ah abdicate my claim tae the throne!" She said and she threw the headdress to her mothers feet and stormed off. The queen went as white as a sheet. "Oh no! No! No this can't happen!" She said. She stumbled back to her seat and three young women came up to her. One had ginger hair in two neat plaits and freckles. One had white-blonde hair in a side plait and one had very short brown hair. I recognised them. They where princess Anna and queen Elsa of Arandelle and Princess Rapunzle of corona. They were fussing about the queen. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then I heard a whispering sound and I turned towards the forest and gasped...

Hey!! I hope you like it so far. So many questions. Why is Elinor so panicked about Merida? What did Hiccup see? Maybe you'll find out in the next chapter!! Bye!!

Will O' the wispsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora